Chapter 7

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Sam's outfit^

(Sam's Pov)

So JJ and Elisabeth are together now and you can't tear them apart. It's so adorable.

I am sitting on the couch waiting for Simon so grab me a soda. He walks in with 2 cokes and sits on the couch.

"Here you go." He hands it to me. I say thank you and try to open it. After 2 minutes of struggling I tap Simon on the shoulder.

"Could you open it for me?" I laugh.

"Why you don't have the muscles to open it?"  He takes the can and opens it.

"Here you go weakling" he gives me a smirk while handing me the can.

"Thanks" I punch him in the arm from his comment.
"Ouch... I get punched by helping." He whines
"Oh sorry. You deserved it" I smile and look away. Watching the Television again.

I sensed someone staring at me so I look away from the tv and saw Simon looking right at me.

"Need something?" I questioned.

"Oh nothing I was grabbing my phone" he makes a excuse and actually grabs his phone. I notice him on Twitter and stuff like that. I just smile and go back to what I'm doing. Once the show ended and Vik entered the room looking at us.

"You guys wanna go to nados or something I'm bored af." We both just nod are heads in agreement. We get our jackets and money. We start to head to Viks car which was a Aston Martin.
( if that's not his car then his comments are wrong :) )

Vik starts the engine and we head to nados. 5 minutes into the car ride the song "Keep up" started to play. I started to sing as loud as I could, while laughing at the same time. I see Vik stare at me through the mirror.

"Come on Vik. Sing, I know that you know these lyrics." I smirk at him, while he rolls his eyes.

Vik starts to join me singing, I start to tell Simon to. We all started to sing the song because it was only half way done. Once it was over I gave them both side hugs telling them how happy I was that they actually sang the song.

We got to nados and order some food. While we were waiting a man about our age walks passed us and stare right at me. I saw Simon tense up a little bit until he went to sit down. I didn't question Simon why. I just ignored it and moved on. I kept noticing him look our way.

"Hey I got to use the bathroom. I'll be right back" Simon gets up. He whispers something to Vik before he leaves. As soon as Simon was no where to be seen the boy comes over and sits down.

"Hey I'm going to say this quick." He says.
"My name is Trevor I was wondering if you could text me some time. So here is my number" he gives me a piece of paper with his number in it.
"Okay I'm going before the dude comes back. So see yea" Trevor gets up and leaves the restaurant.

I blankly stare at Vik questioning what just happened and he shrugs his shoulders. Simon soon comes back and sees me with a puzzled expression.

"You okay" Simon asks
"I just got that kids number." I say
"What? How?"
"He just comes over and tells me his name and gave me his number right Vik?" Vik nods and looks at Simon.
"Well at least he is gone. Right" Simon sips on his drink.

I shrug my shoulders and get a couple sips of my drink. After eating we pay for our bill and go back to the sidemen house with them.

"Hey Sam do you want to join me on black ops 3 zombies?" Vik questions as he heads towards his room.

"Hey can I join also because I don't want to be alone doing nothing" Simon whines and gives us the puppy face.

"I don't care" I quickly say as Simon starts to smile.

So we head into different monitors I'm using Josh's because he is out with Freya all weekend. Vik comes in to set up the game for me.

"Thanks Vik" I give him a smile

"No problem. Just don't let me down okay?"

"No thing man"

We start to play and Simon just starts to scream like a girl... Again.

"Si you really need to man up" I complain as a knife some zombies.

"Well I got my man Vik to save me" he Replies.
Vik and I both laugh as we let Simon die on purpose. Simon gets upset and starts to plead for mersey.
"Maybe we'll save you next time" Vik said the level starts to change to 10.

"DOGS PLEASE HELP THERES DOGS!" Simon screams and demands us to help.

"Okay okay okay where are you??" I say

"In a corner by the box"

I run over to him and take him back to Viks and I's spot. We survive through the 20th level until Vik screws up and kills me from behind.

"VIKK WHAT THE FUCK YOU RUINED THE GAME" I say angry from how far we were in the game.
"I'm sorry Sam lol."
"Well that was black ops zombies. Make sure you check out everyone's channels and see yea!" Simon says and everyone says bye.

"Okay nice well I'm tried I didn't think it would be that long." Vik said.

"Okay goodnight Vik" Simon and I say at the same time.

I shut everything off and head downstairs. And lay down to the couch.

"Tired?" I look up to see Simon.
"Yeah do you care is I sleep here?"
"Yeah no problem I would say you can sleep in my bed with me but you'll probably find it weird" Simon blushes a little. Enough to for me to notice.

"Your bed better be really comfy" I giggle and walk upstairs with him.

So we lay down on the bed and I instantly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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