4. Saadu Maharaj

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Her heart raced with every step she took towards him. Each step felt both deliberate and instinctual, as though something-someone was waiting for her on the other side of the table. The voice grew louder as she approached, clearer now. Pahel couldn't explain the pull she felt, only that is was undeniable. Her chest tightened with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

She wondered 'Who could it? Why did it speak directly to something deep in me?'

She rounder the table, the retail are much clearer now, where the early morning rays illuminated the counter. He steps slowed, her breath catching in her throat.

And then she saw him.

He stood there with his back turned towards her, the soft timbre of his voice now clear. He was talking-low and haunting-his voice blending with the hustle-bustle of the coffee shop. She didn't comprehend the words being spoken, but it didn't matter. It was the way his voice seemed to resonate with the chatter around her, as though he had been talking to her all along. 

Pahel froze. Her heart pounding against her ribcage, an unfamiliar rhythm echoing through her veins. She wanted to move closer, to see his face, but something in the moment made her hesitate. She felt like a stranger standing on the edge of something vast, something she didn't quite understand. And yet, her feet betrayed her, taking one step, then another, drawing her closer to him as if she had no choice.

Stretching her neck for his one glimpse, she found herself standing at the counter, unmoving. When he finally turned, the world around her seemed to stop. The loud early morning chatter faded into silence. The distant chatter of birds became a symphony and all that remained was the steady thump of her heart in her ears and the sharp intake of her breath.

His deep, dark, filled with intensity eyes met her that sent a rush of heat to her cheeks, making her pulse quicken.  She felt dizzy, as though the ground beneath her had shifted, leaving her floating in an endless space between disbelief and awe. She had read and watched about 'Love at first sight' in the novels and movies and in that moment, every part of her knew that she was falling for him.

"Yes?" He asked nonchalantly, not recognizing her. Pahel felt her breath hitch again. Time seemed to stretch, the few inches distance between them felt like miles. Her heart raced, each beat louder than the last, as if urging her forward, pushing her towards her destiny. She wanted to speak, say something, anything but words failed her and all she could so was stand there and feel the magnetic pull of his presence.

"Excuse me?" He repeated again and looked up at her. A flash of recognition passed through his eyes and the soft stare hardened seeing her. Pahel noticed the change in the gaze and stood confused.

"There's a que ma'am" He replied sternly. Pahel blinked and looked around and felt stupid at how a long que had formed behind her.

"What time do you finish?" She asked softly, smiling widely, holding the counter tightly in the hopes that it would stabilize her shaking legs. He stared at her shocked and rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Not interested" He said breaking Pahel's budding hopes.

"Why? I'm hot, sexy, intelligent. I'm also in the same class as you" Pahel argued with a small frown on the straight rejection.

"And a bully. You forgot that in the list. If you'll excuse from the line, there are people waiting" He said looking behind her, giving her no attention. Pahel walked back to her seat dejected and pushed away her iPad in anger. She stared at the counter with a frown on her face but admiration in her eyes for him. She sat there until noon, staring right at him, waiting for his shift to end.

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