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"How was it?" Desire questions me as soon as I get into the apartment. Her eyes are wide with anticipation, I can tell she's been waiting for me to come back. Damn, I was hoping she was sleeping, so I can process the whole night.

"It was.... a thrill?" I struggle finding the right words that capture the rush and the undercurrent feelings that linger inside of me.

In my almost 24 years of living, I've never felt more alive. That experience was the thrill of life, I am seeking. It was a rush like no other, igniting a fire within me.

"A thrill?" Desire repeats after me, confusion flashing through her eyes.

"He took me to a race..." I trail off. "I didn't even know he did street races. It was late, and the streets were packed with so many nice cars. I felt the adrenaline rush filled in the air. I was also in the car with him during the race."

"Shut up!" She shoves me lightly "No way!" She squeals. I furrow my eyebrows; her excitement seems to be over the top. It makes me wonder if I'm missing something.

"I just can't believe he took you to one of his races already. He does it in secret, so he doesn't ruin his business image, but I told him that it doesn't matter because no one would care, and his mom -" She pauses mid-sentence, her eyes widening as if she just realized she said too much.

A tense silence hangs between us. I feel a knot tighten in my stomach. A dozen question flood through my mind all at once. What's with all the secrecy? I decide not to press her about it.

Instead, I nod trying to act like it didn't even matter, even though the curiosity is itching at my skin.

"Well, I'm going to sleep. I'm tired." I say, faking a yawn, and stretching my arms out for the effect.

"Good night, Bella." She says, and I can see the relief in her eyes as she turns away.

I head into my room, crashing onto my bed. My mind drifts off, replaying the moment when Jace touched me- just to feel how wet I was, his hands lingering like he was taunting me. Asshole.

It was as if he knew the power he had over me, and that only made it worse.


"Wake up, bitch." Desire says, giving my shoulder a light push.

I groan, pulling the blanket over my head. "No, go away. It's my day off."

"Please Bella! I want to go shopping." She says pouting. Her persistence is hard to ignore.

"For what? You already have millions of clothes." I mumble, barely opening my eyes. The thought of getting out of bed is revolting.

"We need outfits for tonight!" She protests crossing her arms.

"Where are we going?" I ask, siting up in bed, curiosity filling my eyes.

"Jace wants us to go to his race tonight. I promise you won't be in the car this time." She winks, mischief dancing in her eyes, as she nudges me playfully. "But we might still find a little trouble." 


Desire and I get home from the mall around 6 p.m., each of us holding bags on both sides of our hands.

"What time is the event?"

"8 p.m. I'm going to start getting ready." She says, already heading towards her room.

I walk over to my room and lay out the dress I got today, eyeing it carefully. I consider whether or not to wear it, but it's a street race, and the dress doesn't fit the scene.

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