3 // (characters at the end)

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"Desire you were no help in the coffee shop." I mentally groan, thinking about how Jace left no room for a choice, cornering me into a decision, leaving me feel trapped.

"I'm sorry Bella, sometimes I just can't stop him. Plus, don't act like you're not attracted to him." She says pulling out and sorting different types of clothes from my closet.

"That's beside the point Des." I sigh watching as she tosses a black long sleeve shirt onto my bed. "It's about how he thinks he can control everything. It drives me insane."

Desire throws a white short skirt on my bed. "I know but that's just his personality. He's been through a lot." She defends him, glancing at me as if that somehow excuses his shitty behavior. I pick up the skirt running my fingers over the fabric.

"That doesn't give him the right to act like that." I mutter, the frustration evident in my voice.

Desire sighs, her tone softening "I know, but please give him a chance Bella. I've never seen him this involved with a girl before."

I pause, her words hanging in the air. I sigh in defeat, deciding not to drag out the conversation. Maybe she's right, maybe I should give it shot. Plus, I am attracted to him.

I glance at the outfit she has laid out on my bed - a long black sleeve shirt, pair with a white flowy shirt.

"This is cute!" I exclaim, a smile breaking through as excitement slowly replaces my frustration.

"I know. Don't forget, I work at a fashion company." She reminds me with a playful wink. "Now go get ready!" She says leaving my room.

I already took a shower, So I just start to do my makeup deciding to go for a natural no make- make up look. I slip into the clothes and decide to leave my curls out today. As, I apply the finishing touches, I start to feel nervous. I shake my hands out, steadying my nerves. I grab my pair of knee-high boots slipping them on.

I start checking myself out in the mirror, and damn I look good. I feel some confidence start arising, my nerves going away completely.

I hear a knock on my door and furrow my eyebrows. Desire never knocks on my door. "It's open." I yell, thinking that Desire wants to give me privacy. The door creeks open, and I turn around surprise to see Jace standing there.

He is wearing all black with leather jacket on. "You done starring, Angel?" His tone a mix of calm and sarcastic. I roll my eyes, standing up and watch as his gaze travels up and down my body.

"You done starring, Angel?" I mock him. His eyes meet mines again, a smirk playing on lips as he makes his way over to me.

Jace pushes me against the wall "I'll never get tired of looking at you, Angel." His voice, low and steady, sending a shiver down my spine.

I push him back with my hands, trying to regain some space "We should go."

His eyes linger on me for a moment, before he nods. Taking the lead, he grabs my hands leading me outside of my bedroom.

"Desire I'm leaving. I love you." I call out to her, waiting for a few seconds for her response. "I love you more! Have fun."

Jace puts his hands on my lower back guiding me outside. "Where's your car?" I ask looking around, only spotting a single black motorcycle.

Jace chuckles, leading me towards the motorcycle. Oh hell no. "I'm not riding that death trap." I cross my arms over my chest taking a step back.

"Yes, you are. It's not as bad as it seems."

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