{Y/N pov} ~ mild maturity/sexual content towards the end...

A soft smile graces my lips as Jisoo walks across the room towards me by the window, two glasses of wine in her hands. She has that sweet smile on her lips. I stare at her as she sits across from me. We're sitting near the window, on the second floor of my villa.

I take the glass from her hand, helping her fix her dress as she looks out the window. It's a one-way, thankfully. Nobody can see in.

"Jisoo," I pause, my eyes looking up to lock with her eyes. I can't help the redness that spread across my cheeks. She is so beautiful; I hope she knows that. I don't think I can tell her enough, my Dove. "I'm glad you came. I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up; you shouldn't have had to be driven here. I tried to tell your manager, but he just said, "

My rambling is cut off by a chaste kiss. It's soft, but it catches me off guard, especially with how quick it was. I quickly blink a few times and look up at her with parted lips.

"Don't worry... I don't mind it. I'm here with you now, aren't I?" She speaks up, her face still close to mine as her soft voice flows to my ears. "I don't care how I got here; I'm just glad I made it."

I stay silent before nodding gently. I take a deep breath and place my hand over hers, resting them both on my lap.

"I'm... I'm glad you're here too. I wish I could've taken you to some fancy restaurant, but... This feels more intimate. And privacy is what I wanted. I don't have to worry when it's just us.

She smiles and nods in agreement before bringing the glass to her lips, taking a sip of the red wine. Elegance. She's very elegant, polite, and perfect. She's everything I've always dreamt about. Perfection isn't a good enough word to describe her. It's not enough. There's no word in any language to describe how beautiful she really is.

The drinks we drink, the laughs we share... it's amazing. Tonight has been amazing. Her hand slips into mine, and I hear a soft sigh leave her lips. I look away from the window and at her side profile as she slowly speaks up,

"I wanted to ask you something, Y/N."

She seems upset. But she also seems comfortable. She's easy to read, but for some reason, I can't put my finger on it. I stay silent, only letting out a soft hum to tell her to keep speaking. And so she continues, never even looking away from the window.

"Why did you choose me? I'm-... I don't know why anybody would choose me. Especially someone like you. So, why did you choose me?"

She finally turns to me, her face showing nothing but sadness. Her bottom lip is quivering, and her eyes have started to water. It's not a secret that Jisoo can be insecure. Every day she's criticized for simply existing, but I never understood those insecurities. In my eyes, Jisoo is absolutely gorgeous. No flaws to be seen or heard.

I quickly shake my head, using my thumb to wipe her tears. I place my hands on her cheeks. She's wearing barely any makeup, so it's not like I'm smearing it. She's so cute, even when she's so pitiful.

"I picked you because you drew me in. From the start, your smile and your laughter... God, I swear I heard it in my dreams. Sometimes I would listen to your music just so I could hear you speak. I picked you, my Dove, because you're so special to me."

I whisper softly, my thumbs gently stroking her cheeks as tears slip down her face. She cries beautifully too. Lisa says I'm whipped, maybe she's right. Maybe I am whipped. I'll wear that badge with pride and honor.

She sniffles, letting out a small laugh that tells me all I need to know. "I feel stupid for even asking." She says quietly, leaning her head down onto my shoulder, her arms sliding around my waist.

I smile softly, rubbing my hand up and down her back to soothe her worries. I sigh quietly, moving my other hand to the back of her head.

"We're both being silly right now. We shouldn't worry or overthink. This is supposed to be a date, not a therapy session. So let's be happy, hm?"

I continue to comfort her in silence until she lifts her head. Her eyes are still watery, but she's smiling a little bit at me. I brush the hair from her eyes, and I press a soft kiss to her cheek.

"My little Dove..."

I whisper, pressing a small kiss to her jawline.

Her head tilts to the side, and my hand slides down to her neck, keeping her head tilted so I have some access to her sensitive skin.

My lips move down to her neck, and my teeth gently drag across her skin, eliciting a soft noise to leave her lips. A small smile rests on my lips as my hands drag down across her body, tracing her curves. My hands end up on her thighs, my hands massaging her through her dress.

"I'll help you relax. I promise I won't leave any marks..."

Her makeup stylists definitely hate me after Jisoo and I meet. I love to leave her covered in hickeys. I love seeing them on her thighs and on her stomach. I love seeing what I've done. But I know I have to be responsible, especially since she has a photoshoot to do soon. I'd rather not have any speculations around us.

She leans her head back, a choked moan leaving her lips as my hands slide up her dress, pressing against her. I try to be gentle and slow. I don't want her to be too overwhelmed.

"If you need me to stop or go slower, just tell me. I'll do whatever you want me to do.."

I whisper as I lean up to kiss her earlobe, gently sucking to give her a nice sensation. She's very sensitive. I know alcohol only heightens this feeling.

Jisoo just shakes her head, her hands moving to the back of my head, her long and slender fingers tangling in my hair, "K-keep going. Please keep going." She says desperately.

"Whatever you want, baby.." I mumble against her neck, my hand sliding past her panties and feeling her slick wetness. I let out a breathy laugh.

Dove (K. Jisoo x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now