In another life

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In another life, you didn't leave me.
We went on a second date, a third, a fourth.
Every Sunday.
I meet your parents on the 5th, and you meet mine on the 6th.
I'm yours by the 7th.
I talk about you, have you and me as my lockscreen when people ask about you at work and I smile.
They tell me that I'm lucky to have you and I shake my head, my cheeks red.

In another life, you kept your promise.
You became my caregiver and you kissed my forehead every chance you got.
I took you to my work, proudly, holding your hand as everyone spoke to you.
I'd take you to the Christmas party.

In another life, I know your birthday.
I give you birthday sex and you thank me.
After that I make you pancakes and bacon, and you thank me again.
You kiss my forehead on your birthday.
You devour me whole and I thank you.

In another life, you're the end of my sadness. You love me so kindly that I almost forget what I had to go through to get to you.

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