Chapter 3

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"Kellin quit it!" I yelled. He didn't listen, instead he continued to play with my hair. "I'm gonna stop this car right now,"

"No you wouldn't. You love me," He said so slyly. I huffed and rolled my eyes and continued driving. Once we passed the sign, he let go and looked at it. "Whoa, we're in Kansas!"

"Yea, big whoop," I smirked.

"Hell yeah, big whoop," He cheered. "It's like we were in Colorado forever. You're such a slow driver,"

"I swear I'm never driving with you ever again," I said through gritted teeth. Obviously he couldn't hear me, The Spice Girls were blasting through the car speakers.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends," Kellin sung along very loudly. In the middle of his singing I cut him off. "Make it last forever- Hey! I was listening to that,"

"I don't caaaare," I whined.

"Do you remember Lucy?" Kellin suddenly asked me out of the blue, my eyes widened.


"Come here Lucy-Luce!" I called out for her. Came trotting in was our baby yellow labrador, Lucy. I fixed the bow on her head, and kissed her head lightly.

"I brought the stupid food," Kellin moaned, setting the food and water bowls on the ground. "It's just a dog, what makes her so special?"

"Because it's Lucy," I smiled, pulling In Kellin by his waist. "You've gotta admit, she's really cute,"

"Yeah, I guess this dog thing won't be so bad," He replied, letting go of me and going over to pet the puppy.

She looked at him and started licking his hand. Kellin picked her up and let her lick his face. I cringed at that, does he know where her tongue has been?

"Um, babe. . .," I said nervously. He looked over at me, then petting the pooch. "I'm pretty sure her tongue has been up her ass,"

His eyes widened and he looked at me. He brought the dog over to me, I picked her up and cradled her.

"That's fucking gross!" He laughed running his face on my shirt.

"Yeah, and a beautiful way to solve that," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my Jesus," Kellin said putting Lucy in the harness so we could take her out for a walk. "I swear she hates that thing, I mean really! You could've cooperated! You're heavy as a shit load of bricks!"

"Alright," I chuckled walking to grab my house keys. "Let's go now."

Kellin attached the leash to her and opened the door, Lucy was a full grown dog and she was really hard to handle, Kellin was like a baby compared to her strength.

Lucy raced out the door without our consent and we heard this loud screech. Kellin and I ran outside and saw what happen.

"Fuck!" I yelled, running up to her.

Lucy was dead.

And I was too late to save her.


"Yea," I sighed.

"I didn't mean for her to run off like that," He apologized.

"Nah, it's cool," I kept my eyes on the road. Refusing to look at him, not because I'm mad at him or anything- which I'm not- but because once I do, it's hard to look away.

"Don't you have something to remember her?" He pondered. I nodded.

"Yeah, her collar," I really didn't want to talk about it. Not one bit. I truly miss Lucy and there'll never be a dog that could ever replace her.

Her collar was a very pretty aquamarine color, it had white polka-dots on it. Then in the front was a doggy-bone charm, and in beautiful cursive read, 'Lucy'.

"Can we like- not bring this up?" I asked, leaning back a little in my seat. I was not gonna sit here and cry in front of him. "Just think of another topic,"

After a little of thinking, he looked at me.

"You didn't tell Jaime I love you-"

"Goddammit Kellin!" I yelled, startling him a bit. "If you really wanna know, then fucking fine! I still have feelings for you okay? I've been trying so damn hard but they just don't seem to wanna leave. I didn't tell Jaime I love you because I'm still hung up on that stupid little kiss. I liked it, okay? And I don't wanna keep telling Jaime I love you if I'm just gonna keep my mind on another guy. It's not right,"

"Pull over," He said bluntly. I looked at him in shock. "I said pull over!"

"Fine," I did as told and pulled over. "What are you doing-"

I was cut off by his lips. It all stunned me as I just sat there. He pulled away and looked at me. I pursed my lips and took his face and kissed him back.

"What have you done to me," I whispered against his lips.


short, i know. :3

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