Chapter 4

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Another state later.

It's been almost 3 hours since that stupid kiss. We haven't spoke of it, I refuse to.

"Um, Vic?" Kellin asked, staring at the buildings.

"Yeah?" I replied, not tearing my gaze from the road.

"Can we stop somewhere?" He begged. "I've gotta pee, like, right now,"

"Why didn't you say that literally two minutes ago?" I sighed.

"I didn't have to go then," He whined. "Please! In the next minute there's gonna be a mess in your car,"

"Oh my fucking-" I cut myself off and just pulled over on the side of the road. I swear this kid is gonna be the death of me.

The car was silent, not necessarily a awkward one, but it was silent. All that could be heard was the music from the radio and Kellin's faint hums to the song.

"Remember that show, Teen Titans Go?" He slightly laughed. I nodded smiling. "Remember when they went on that road trip?"

"You better not-"

"SLUGBUG!" He yelled punching my arm.

"What the hell, Kellin?" I yelled. Getting back on track of the road.

He laughed his ass off in the passengers seat. I rolled my eyes and let out a small chuckle.

That laugh.


I was trembling, oh boy.

"Come on Vic, just do it," Mike patted my shoulder. "I mean you've been working on this stupid plan for like three whole weeks now. Just go ask him,"

I gave him and Tony a nervous look. They had no idea what I had planned, I know this will be indescribably embarrassing, but this was all I could think of.

"There he goes right there," Tony pointed to Kellin as he closed his locker shut. "Go get 'em tiger,"

I took in a deep breath and walked up to Kellin. He was beautiful, those gorgeous eyes I've fallen in love with looked right into mine. I began to become more nervous by the millisecond.

Kellin stop being so perfect.

"Vic! Hello," He smiled, moving some of his hair out of his face by slinging it to the side. Oh jeez. "What's up?"

"I uh- I j-just wanted to uh- walk you home today," I spoke, immediately hating myself on the way I stuttered.

"Oh, alright. Let's go," He agreed and shut his locker.

On our way to his house, I tugged on his arm and led him another way. Into the woods down this trail. At the end was this really neat, crystal clear pond. Kellin and I would comes here to check out the really cool fishes or just become girls on our periods- just pouring our feelings and such.

But this feeling was different.

There was this huge rock right next to the water him and I would sit on. So that's where we sat at and looked over at the pond.

"What's the occasion?" He asked, kicking off his TOMS so he could dip his feet in the water.

"Can't two best friends just chill at a pond without a reason?" I smiled, gently placing my hand on top of his.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asked looking down at our hands.

"Right," I sighed. Mind as well get this over with. "Kellin?"

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