Chapter 2

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realized i won't be around internet for a while, so without further ado, chapter 2!


Somewhere in the middle of Colorado-maybe near Denver- I looked over at Kellin, he was staring down at his hand. Quickly I trailed my eyes down to see and something quite sparkly caught my eye:

That damn wedding ring I proposed to him with..


I pulled Kellin's hand over to the edge of the boardwalk. The wind blew his hair over, he was looking stunningly beautiful. I moved that stray hair over and behind his ear. Those gorgeous eyes looked straight into mine.

Suddenly, all the nervousness came flooding back. C'mon Vic! You've got this. Just get over with it already. I took in a deep breath and smiled at him, earning one of his signature smiles that always melted my heart.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick," I sighed. His eyes got even more innocent, making this so complicating for me. "We've been together for 2 years now, and um, over those two years. . ,"

"Yeah?" He smiled.

I took a deep breath and got down on one knee, pulling out this small box. Well there's no backing down now.

"I've been think I've how much I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. . . Oh to hell with it," I sighed, causing frustration to build, stop fucking this up Vic. "Will you marry me?"

His eyes went really wide, and he allowed his hands to cover his mouth. It felt like eternity until he finally answered.



"What the fuck?" I yelled slamming on the breaks. Kellin looked at me with innocent eyes. "Why do you still have that damned ring?"

"Victor, I value things too," He sighed. "Why can't I anyway?"

"Nothing, forget I even said anything," I said through gritted teeth.

After a long awkward silence, Kellin spoke up.

"I kept it because of memories, okay?" He admitted. I didn't say anything. "How's your new boyfriend?"

"He's fine,"

"Who is he?" He asked. I clenched the wheel tight, making my knuckles white. "So I can't ask simple questions?"


That immediately shut him up. I relaxed and kept driving.

"I'm sorry, Vic," Kellin whimpered.

I looked over and saw him crying, I pulled over and turned off the car.

"Whoa, Kellin," I turned over to look at him completely. "What's wrong?"

"If I didn't fuck up," He whispered. "I'd be so happy. But no, I just had to go ruin that didn't I? Why am I such a horrible person?"

I was getting really late and I was tired.

"Kellin don't say that," I patted his back.

He looked up at me, alarmed at my touch. I retracted my hand and looked at him.

"Can you hold me?" He whimpered.


"I don't mean it like that. I just need some type of comfort,"

I sighed and held out my arms, he gladly came over and sat in my lap and put his head in the crook of my neck.

I gently rubbed his back and waited for him to fall asleep. I knew I couldn't park my car on the side of a highway, so I literally attempted to drive with him in my lap.

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