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Joseph's pov

"Hey you feeling better now" David now smiled ruffling my hair and i really didn't mind it , all i wanted now was just to try everything out

My eyes were full of happiness, i was seriously about to cry , just couldn't believe it was all real

I saw so many shops with stylish clothes, god i want all of it , but i neet to act ,  don't want them to think that im some wild kid , who never had clothes in his life even though it's true. We were walking and walking when suddenly i saw a shop full of classic clothes and those knee level classic brown shorts catched my eyes , i didn't realise that i was now standing in front of a glass and looking at them from the corner of my eyes and slightly looking back at Roger and David.

"You like them , don't you"  - Roger said kneeling down to me.

"Well i guess "- i said looking down at my old pants, i really wanted to cry again now , but not because I'm happy i was very sad , because all of it wasn't fair , it wasn't fair i didn't have mom and dad , it wasn't fair that i didn't have my own clothes , i was feeling like a little dirty dog who is lost and it made me feel horrible

" Joseph" i heard Roger say , his deep voice immediately dragged me out of my thoughts

"Joseph , Let's go in bud and get those shorts for you , there are so many things we need to get for you, so let's hurry a little "- he said pulling me from behind, damn this men was so tall i could feel his huge arm on the upper part of my back .

I ran towards the shorts and grabbed them , ah got they are sooo comfyyyy  , i want them so bad

" So um can i actually have them?"

"Anything you want" he said while talking to David about something.

Damn i can have anything i want the best day ever yayyy.

" But, I'm afraid you will need to wear something underneath , cuz it's not a summer time , it's September"  - David said

Something underneath.... but i didn't want anything

" Ahh yea , right  , sorry Miss" - now Roger said refering to a lady who seem to be working here

" Would you mind to get us some warm tights ?

"Yes sir, what colours would you prefer and in which size?"

" Well something that would fit this kiddo"  Roger said indicating to me

WAIT what wearing tights he must be kidding

"Sure sir but what colour"- the lady asked

" Joe which colour would you prefer"-Roger asked me

I really love those shorts, and right it's not the best season for them, but tights.....

"I don't wanna tights....they are for girls"- i said embarrassed. Which made lady laugh

"Ahh believe me the tights I'm gonna show you are definitely not for girls, just a second" she said now bring the box of coloured tights that had a way different texture than the tights ment for girls...i spotted so many classical coloured tights, never thought i might even like them

"Can i have brown ones please" i said indicating to brown tights, they'd match those shorts so well

"Sure" the lady said packing both tights and short and handing themto David

"And yes we'd like to have the whole package of those tights from this collection, including grey and light blue one's " Roger said.

"Okay so overall 11 tights and shorts" Yes ma'am Roger said.

Wooow so many tights.....i obviously would prefer something else i don't really like tights, but those brown one's are actually stylish like in some fashion shows and i kinda put my eyes on grey one's...

"Roger go look for other stuff you'd like to have, we'll be in next section"-David said getting a cart

"Okay "i said rushing to see other stuff

" Here take this cart , your parents said you gotta fill it "The lady said handing me a huge cart...

"Thank you* i said ignoring the " parents " part tho it kinda made me think

In less than 30 minutes i almost filled the cart with all the clothes i liked when i accidentally stepped on somebody's feet..

" I' M sorry, I'm sorry" - i immediately started apologising looking down

"Hey look guys, look who we found, Mr pee pants"

That voice it was so familiar.

Ahh no was it my bully ,i slightly looked up and immediately regretted it. It was Jeremy, that Jeremy from orphanage with his band of 6 people

"Hey little baby, did you wear your little diapers today ? "  The tallest guy from the band said

" Ahh nooo , looks like somebody's not wearing her lil diaper like a good baby" the girl with different coloured bangs said pulling my pants down and exposing my underwear

"Let me have a better look" twin brothers both taller than me said placing their hands on my butt , it all was happening too fast , i felt so helpless

"Ahh what a bad baby" Jeremy said now taking me from brothers and pulling me closer to himself. He ripped off my jacket and was now about to remove my shirt

Tears were now going down my cheeks,i felt very empowered, i wanted this to end so bad. It was the worst moment ever , it couldn't get worse, well that's what i thought

When suddenly i felt a huge urge to pee, it was uncontrollable. I just pissed myself within seconds. The stream was going down making a huge yellow  dump in my bright underwear it was now slowly going through my naked shaking legs . I was bursting in tears while my bullies were just laughing and teasing me.

"Aww don't cry baby, we'll get you changed" -Jeremy said removing my pants that were already below my knees.

When suddenly i heard Roger yell from the other side of shop.I felt saved z adrenaline rushing through my whole body

" WHAT THE FCK ARE YOU ALL DOING"  he said running towards us , i was standing there with my soaked underwear, when most of the bullies managed to run away .

"Joe baby what's going on here ?"-Roger said getting down to my level quickly  getting handkerchief out of his suit and wiping my nose and tears off. He rapidly wrapped his jacket around my waist and picked me up leading us to washroom . He laid me on a huge changing table quickly removing my soaked underwear as well as my socks and shoes fully wiping me down with some wet wipes , i couldn't think straight i was overwhelmed with emotions

There were couple of men looking at me, smiling and it made me cry more . Roger ignoring my cries got some white briefs and nicely placed them on me. Then He got a pair of grey pants and tightly placed them on me securing the back of it . He didn't say a single word. All he did was just to pick me up with my bare foot  and held me very tight, i never wanted him to put me down at the moment, i felt very safe

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