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Roger's pov

I now left the sobbing boy standing in the corner behind me , heading to David who not surprisingly to me was standing right behind the door and was eavesdropping all this time

"Why did you do that to him? "he asked with a serious face while crossing his arms

"Did what?" i pretended not to  understand what he was talking about while we both were heading to our bedroom

"You literally spanked him on his first day in this  house , don't pretend not to understand what I'm talking about "he said closing the door of our bedroom making sure no single word would left the room

"How in the damn world is he gonna stay with us in this household , when my husband is already beating the shit out of him , especially when he is sick " He said with the saddest expressions on his face.

"I understand how badly you want him "i said interrupting and slowly pulling my husband by waist closer to myself

"I want him not less than yours , i really do care about this kid why else would i  personally check on his health when i have plenty of other things to do" i questioningly looked at his pretty eyes

"Then why , why would you spank him this hard? I could hear him crying his soul out" I have to admit i was a little out of control , only because he's been acting like a little brat since he woke up at hospital, i was already tired from all the work i had for the whole day and he was trying my patience

"Because I'm not going to tolerate misbehaving in my house " i said
"Soon we gonna have to adopt him and i want him to understand that he has to be more responsible for his actions "i said seeing my husband's expressions change

"You're right i guess "he said slightly
looking down , he changed his opinion so fast...a little unexpecting

"Abuse and discipline are two different things, and discipline is important when it comes to raising up kids" he said now directly looking into my eyes ,and i definitely had to agree with him

"i should have understood you more than anyone else" he said with a slight regret in his tone" But promise not to be too harsh on him , he already looks like he had to go through a lot and we're here to make him happy, not sad" I was now regretting my own actions

"I promise hun" i said placing my hands behind my husband's head and placing a small kiss on my his forehead while gazing at his handsome face

"I'll go get Joseph his clothes from dryer"  he said interrupting the beautiful moment we were having.

"He must be freezing and right after we'll  go shopping as we promised him yesterday"he said now leaving me behind him ,all alone in our bedroom , i still have to tell him about the peeing incident that Joseph had this morning  but surely not now , i don't think he's ready yet and on top of that he'll be trice mad at me for spanking Joe which was actually worrying me more,  i don't want to destroy the already ruined moment i thought while putting on my black coloured shirt and my favourite black suit.

Joseph's pov

I'm soo baddd , whyyy, whyyy  did i say that to him why did i say that i hate them just whyyyy , i was hating my mind at the moment.

They checked on my health,  didn't give me to cops , brought me to their own house , gave me clothes , helped me when i fell unconsciously, try to feed me and how did you great them ???.....yes Joseph right ...all you did was just to break their plate , smash the food, curse at him and say shit about David ,and also most importantly show them your stupid attitude !!!-and now your standing in the corner and crying like a huge mess you are .

My inner self was blaming me i couldn't handle this much of pressure, it made me so hopeless , nobody loved me , who would love a mess who acts like brat i am, but all that was  right , they all were  right to beat me and spank me i definitely deserved those 15 SPANKS..

WHHAATT 15 SPANKS. NO JOSEPH YOU DON'T DESERVE IT YOU DESERVE MOREE 30 OR 50 OR EVEN 100 TIMES MORE .My mind was fighting now I started beating my head against the corner i was standing in ,my tears were flowing like rain now


"WHY, WHY HE GAVE ME ONLY FIFTEEN SPANKS WHEN I CLEARLY DESERVED HUNDRED" i was loudly crying now still facing the wall, not being able to hold my emotions when David rushed into the room

David's pov

Once i got Joseph's clothes from dryer i was now heading to the room he was left earlier when suddenly i heard a loud cry noise yelling something like


I immediately threw the clothes i had in my amrs and  rushed into the room when i saw Joseph facing the wall and harshly beating his head against it

"Hey , hey slow down bud" i said rushing to him , now getting down on my knees to be on his eye level.

I  immediately wrapped him around my arms to stop him from crashing his head against the wall .

When i turned his face towards mine ,  i spotted a red bruise from all the crash against the wall , that was now swelling up,loud cry that now turned into a smaller one ,and constant shake that would not leave his body

"Imm sooo..wee..yyy " he said hiccuping

"SO.ORRR.R.EEYY. ..Y.  FOR BREAKINNN.  T.HE.E   PL.A..A.ATE.E   I REALL.Y.   REALL.LLY   DIDN'T..T  WANN..T TOO" He was now getting right into my hugs. Was it actually the Joseph i knew, i was now really unsure. Poor kid

"Hey it's okay sweetie , David is not mad " i said now hugging the boy back .

I picked him up and headed to kitchen , doing my best to comfort him , never in my life have i seen him this cuddly before , i really hope he was not traumatized by all those punishments

"H.OOO.WWW ABOUWWT ROGE .EER .R , IS HE VERY MA.AAWWD.D AT JO.SEEPH??" he asked still sobbing, i could feel my shirt getting wet because of his tears and saliva he had every time he'd try to say something

" He is not mad at you Joseph, don't worry kiddo" i said padding his back
"It's just Roger is tired , his job is very difficult, he wants you to be okay, but you keep resisting it and it makes him sad"i said hearing his cries turning into a little hiccups.

I opened the kitchen when i saw Roger in a sexy suit with watches on his left hand . He was placing a plate on the table and im guessing i know what it was.

" Mmmm , what is that ??? It smells ridiculously good" i said playfully

"Strawberry outmeal" he said not very enthusiasticly . Joseph who heard Roger's tone immediately held onto me even tighter than earlier

"How about you hand me Joseph so i can feed him " he said taking Joseph from my hands without my contest and Joseph didn't resist it either, it happened too fast....

"I'm.m soo.r.r.r.y" Joseph said through hiccups once he was in Roger's arms

"It's okay Joseph" he said placing a kid on his lap now instead of chair, making sure to hold the towel tight around kid's waist with his left hand so it won't fall while with other hand he  pulled the strawberry outmeal closer to them

"Now how about we eat some outmeal Joseph" he said getting a spoon full of outmeal.

Joseph just slightly nodded without making  eye contact with any of us

"Open your mouth Joe and let the plane land in there" Roger said a little enthusiasticly this time with his hand reaching Joseph's puffy lips

Surprisingly Joseph didn't put up a fight he just obeyed. He opened his mouth and let Roger feed him 

He also didn't't mind the nickname he was just given . Is this a progress or did the punishment affected him this bad?i was now so worried again

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