Time for check-up

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Roger's pov

"WAS HE WET? "-i didn't really care about the fact he was wet,it was  not a priority at the moment, it was more of a surprise , what I really was worried for was  his health , especially his tummy since he was tightly holding on it when i found him laying on the floor, but on top of that he fell , he fell down stairs and I don't think it was an accident it must be the medicine wearing off again and anemia kicking in, i need to check on him better , i kneeled down to him and carefully placed him on my bare chest he instinctly held me tightly but still was crying loudly even after  he was no more on the floor
"It hurts Roger....."he yelled through his cries .
"I know buddy i know" I rushed into my office room where i have all the equipment needed for check ups , my documents , and even a matt , well i and my husband David occasionally examine our relatives or friends once they come visit us , since it's more convenient than going to hospital. I placed soaked kid on a checking matt and removed the shirt we have placed him in earlier ,  leaving him in his soaked boxers, uncommonly he didn't resist it , probably because of the fact i didn't have a shirt on me either, but now when i was trying to remove his undies  he started kicking his legs as if he was a newborn and  tightly held on them
" Joseph i need to remove those so i can check on you better" i said still holding on his underwear since he doesn't seem to understand he wet himself
"I . I .don't.. want it " he said now his cries turning into little sniffles and still tightly holding on them
"I know Joseph , i know that you don't want to ,but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to , and it has to be done for our own goods"- i tried to handle it as professionally  i could . But he kept resisting, kicking his legs and just acting up like any other little kid his age but i was too tired , too tired from the attitude he was giving me for the whole time since he's been with us. So i firmly pulled his underwear down without any more explanations and covered his manhood with the white towel i had prepared earlier .
"Whyyy diid youuuuu do thaaat , youuuu stupid idiiiot" he yelled at me still sniffing, i swear to god id whooped his little ass right here for talking to me like that but he's sick and still adapting to live in here and for the sake of a god it hasn't even been a day and i already wanna fix his little attitude
"You don't talk like that to olders Joseph". I said seeing how pale his lips were turning again
' But now does your tummy still hurts?
"Yes it does" he said now fully calmed dowm
"Where does it hurts" i say now slightly pressing the centre of his smooth belly
"Here" he says leading my hand with his tiny hands on the upper part of his stomach
"So it's the pancreas that is bothering you huh" i say getting ultrasound diagnostic device while slowly rubbing the special gel on his upper body to better feel his organs and see them on my screen. I start at the centre of his abdomen taking the measurements of his digestive system organs , and those seem to be alright however when i go higher i see the Irregularities in the pancreas
"Looks like you have  curvature of the pancreas" i say as i rub away the gell off his tummy with a tissue
"What does that mean " he says shakingly through his voice
"Nothing to worry about buddy, most people have it , but sometimes it might affect the quality of your life and that's when the medication is needed, do you also feel nauseous?"
"Yeh....i feel nauseous all the times"he says still laying on matt.
"When was the last time you ate " i asked knowing it might be one of the causes why he's pancreas was hurting
"Umm yesterday when i had breakfast "  he said now sitting up and wrapping the towel better around his waist . There is no way this kid didn't eat for the whole day . I immediately picked him up making sure to hold his towel so it won't fall and decided to go to our kitchen to see what i could get him to eat but on my way there  he fought against it
"I don't need to be carried, put me down you fckin psycho" he now was yelling again
" I can walk myself "
"No more of walking yourself "i said stiff ignoring the words he called me earlier
"Not until we're  gonna have your iron levels higher I don't need you to be falling on floors and laying there unconsciously until somebody comes to pick you up" Once we got to  kitchen i opened the door and saw my beautiful husband David  , wandering around the kitchen and making the breakfast ready for us 
"How is he " David whispered in my ear when i had Joseph laid on my shoulder
"He'll be fine" i whispered him back
" We got him"

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