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Deep in the clouds lied a goddess, Charlotte, She was the goddess of peace and friendship. While her friend Marjorie was goddess of mind and knowledge. While sorscha, who was casted away due to her breaking goddess/god rules, was goddess of love and heart.

"why do you think sorscha was casted away?" Charlotte was curious as she had only heard this from rumours.
"I heard she was casted cause she was seen with a mortal."
"That can't be right she was with me half of the time."

"She might have used Deliahs illusion powers. "
Deliah was the goddess of illusion and tricks,she was always mischievous and used the powers to her advantage and to sometimes help others. Obviously We have an outcasted goddess, siobhan, she was the goddess of distruction and pain, her powers lead her her becoming a warrior one of the strongest know to God's. This lead to many mortals hating her and others adoring the others, of course gods and goddesses should be loved and if your not you'll be casted out. Which is what happened to her.

Mortal realm

Reece and winter was having a guys night at the bar while their friends clodagh, autumn, Vivian and carly were at their houses having a girls night. The boys didn't want to drink too much as they still needed to drive home.
"Aye reece did you hear the rumours about a goddess coming on to earth."
"winter that can't be true gods and goddess are all myths they can never be true." reece knew myths are usually fake. "winter you out of all people should know this your a teacher after all." Winter ignored the fact reece was judging his knowledge and just continued to turn the conversation into something different like games and stuff. Unfortunately, for winter they somehow started to talk about winters girlfriend autumn.

"Winter how could someone like you pull my sisters while I can't pull yours."
"cause you don't have the charm like i do and anyways shes a lesbian you dumbass."

The two boy just continued talking until midnight came around.

Girls night
Autumn had the great idea of summoning a greater being she didn't care if it was a demon or a god. While carly wanted to do something else a little less horrific. Vivian insisted on summoning something but on the other hand clodagh was very reluctant.

"Come on carly it would be fun."
" Autumn are you crazy we're only 19 we can't be doing stuff like that."
"oh carly it's fine you'll live."
Carly and autumn kept going back and forth until Vivian stepped in.
" How about we summon something and after we paint each other's nails."
Carly just screamed, even though she was 19 she had a mind of a child,she was always like this. Autumn drew the summoning circle and Vivian got the candles,until they heard a knock on their door.
" that must be clodagh. "
Clodagh was standing at the door and next to her was a tall redhead.
"Hey clo, who's this."
"Hi carly sorry for not asking beforehand and her name is mia."
Carly invited them in and told Vivian and autumn.
"So what are you all doing." The redhead broke the silence between them. Autumn got everything ready.
"Guys it's ready! And just tell the new girl we are summoning someone. Clodagh told mia what was happening obviously mia had no complaints about what they were about to do.
" Are you sure this is going to work. "
The were interrupted by the door opening.
" I'll get it!"
Carly ran down the stairs and opened the door to see winter and reece, everyone came down the stairs when winter saw mia.
"Mia what are you doing here!"
"I was going to ask you the same thing"
Clodagh looked at the closely and connected the dots.
"You both are siblings right."
Mia looked at winter and left pushing past the two boys, reece turned around to see her get into a really nice car. When winter and reece settled into the house winter was being asked so many questions.

"Ok guys calm down ill explain."

"So when me and mia were younger we were really close and loved each other's company until I started my dating life. She completely ut me out after my first relationship, she became even more distant the more people I dated. I knew I messed up when I started dating her ex. "
" YOU DATED HER EX "Carlys mouth was wide open they could fit a fist in there.
" Yes I did, she hated me after that she moved away for college and cut all contact with me even, her family have completely blocked me. "
" Ok so like are you siblings or. " Vivian was so bored she didn't want a long winded story she just wanted answers.
" Oh, yeah we are. "
Autumn had nothing to say nor did carly or clodagh but Vivian had so much to say.

Goddess relm

" Marjorie what are we going to do. "

" Charlotte your the goddess of peace you just have to keep everyone calm that's it."

"Marjorie your the goddess of knowledge you should understand I want to help my friend."
Marjorie just looked at her. The silence was extremely awkward but it was broken when they saw their god, Roger and his son Eric, Roger was god of land a seas while his some was god of music and sound.
"Rog what do you need?"
"Marjorie lose the attitude. And we are having a trial I'm not telling you who's it for until then must be ready."

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