||part 1||

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I slowly turned the door nob , the doors swinging open. The apartment was lit up by the sun shining through the blinds. I placed two boxes down on the floor inside the hallway, before turning the lights on.

I closed the door behind me before rushing into the empty space in the living room. I was sure my furniture should have been here by now, the moving truck must have run into traffic.

I moved on into the bedroom, the bed was here at least. I threw myself onto the bed, pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my messages, opening one from my mom "Everything thing going well?"  It said. "Everything's perfect" I replied.

After laying on the bed for a while, I got a message. "Moving truck delayed due to traffic, expected delivery Friday" I groaned in annoyance "typical" I muttered under my breath.

I got up and gathered a few stuff, if i couldn't make dinner tonight ,I had to go somewhere.

I locked the door behind me as I stepped out of the apartment, turning it to make sure it was locked. I rushed down the stairs towards the exit, the fresh air hitting my face as I came outside.
It was getting darker, the sunset painting the sky in a pinkish-orange color.

I started walking down the street, keeping an eye out for a good place to eat. The streets were filled, with both tourists and residents. I nearly felt like a tourist, almost forgetting this was to be my home. My eyes looked up at the tall building, towering over me. I wasn't looking where I was going, admiring the building. Suddenly I walked into something, into someone. I lost my balance, taking a few steps back

"I am so sorry!" I said with an apologetic look on my face, my arms out in front of me. The man had spilled his coffee all over his suit. "I'll pay for your dry cleaning" I said, my voice panicked.
"Don't worry, it's quite alright" he reassured me before he kept walking, his brown hair flowing back in the wind.

I stayed put, watching him walk away as if nothing had happened. He got into a black car, before driving off.

I snapped out of it and kept walking, throwing one last glance up at the building before walking away.

My attention landed on a peaceful restaurant on the corner. I decided to check it out. The menu was placed just outside the door, I read it hoping to find something that sparked an interest. They had fish, pasta and all sorts of meals. I got myself a table outside, as the waiter came over with a smaller version of the menu.

"Can I take your order?" The waiter asked, just as I had put away the menu pushing it away from me. "I'd like a bowl of pasta carbonara, and a glass of red whine please" I said politely.
"Coming right up!" She said as she wrote it down, and walked off.

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"Here you are" the waiter said as she placed the bowl down on the table. "Thank you so much!" I said before she went off again. I took a sip from the wine, it was like any normal glass of wine, nothing special.

After finishing, I paid my tab and left. It was completely dark now, the city only lit up from the buildings and signs all over. I walked down the street, getting to know the place. I saw a few people talking pictures, the children licking their ice creams and music filling the streets.

I certainly had to get used to the fact I lived here now, it almost felt like a vacation. I had a job interview on Monday though, so it wouldn't last too long.

A made my way back to the apartment, rushing into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I washed my face clean before jumping into bed, dragging the duvet over me. My first night here, first out of many to come.

I layer down on the pillow, as I closed my eyes. My mind drifting to the man from earlier, was his suit okay? I don't know when I had fallen asleep, but I did.

I made the decision to write in first person instead of third, I find it easier. Don't come for me🙏

I cut the first part short, so you can decide whether or not you want to continue, so this was like a little pilot.

See you tomorrow!❤️

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