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Yuki woke up with the urge to spy on her brother Kayo while he was sleeping.

Yuki was always strange with her actions but was always happy, like always.

Happiness was all she has in her. If Kayo could describe Yuki in 3 words it would be Happy, silly and a teaser.

Yuki was always a silly girl but at school she was different. She was that Shy girl, that one girl that no one knows her shinning voice.

Miso was the one who bugged her around. Yuki only said 3 words at school.

Good morning.



Thats all Yuki never said, or at least what people heard her say.

Yuki would talk a bunch but no one heard her, Yuki never talked loud enough for people to hear her.

Of course Yuki didn't spy on her brother Kayo, but she wanted too.

I should get up from bed.

Yuki got up and picked her outfit. She had done her hair and face.

Yuki never put on any makeup on, she hated it. All she did was skincare.

She got her shoes and her black backpack and left to school.

She entered the gates of her three story school and everyone eyes laid on her.

" Ew, theres that cursed demon."

Yuki heard one say followed by another voice.

" Everyone knows the drill, stay away from her. You don't wanna get the gaze of miss cursed, do you?" Yuki heard a familiar voice say.

Yuki didn't look but she knew who it was, it was Miso.

Everyone at the school knew the drill, stay away from her. It was a daily thing and the kids were actually believing Yuki was a cursed demon.

Yuki entered the school and walked to the library, people who knew her they knew she had a passion to read.

Which was only her brother, Kayo. The library was on the second floor so she used the stairs.

Yuki walked to the library and saw a new boy she had never seen before. That boy was right in front of her.

" Excuse me." Yuki said almost whispering.

" I'm sorry, what was that?" Said the unfamiliar boy leaning closer to her.

Yuki was getting anxious and spoke once again.

" I - I -I" Yuki couldn't speak, she was stuttering.

No one ever talked to her at school so she almost never said anything. Yuki got used keeping her mouth shut, but of course she had to speak normal.

" All I said was excuse me." Yuki said while keeping her head down.

" Oh I'm so sorry!" And the boy moved.

Yuki walked towards the books leaving the poor boy behind.

She knew she shouldn't had done that , but she wasn't used having a conversation more than 5 seconds at school.

Yuki got a romance book and checked it out at the desk lady.

" Yuki! What book are you getting this month?" Asked the lady.

" Yeah, I'm getting a romance book." Replied Yuki. The lady checked the book out and handed it to her.

Yuki smiled but knowing the lady didn't see it.

" Enjoy!"

Yuki walked away and into her class on the 1st floor.

Everyone was standing by there desk while talking, people talked and talked and little Yuki walked towards her desk by the window.

Yuki always had an empty desk by her, she would switch every once in a while because it was empty.

She put her backpack down and sat getting her pencil. Yuki had her light brown hair behind her ear and the teacher came in.

Miss. Pear clapped her hands symbolizing for the students to sit.

Everyone sat.

Yuki heard someone sprinting in the halls and someone came inside the classroom.

Yuki looked up and saw it was the unknown boy she has seen at the library.

" Is this the correct.... classroom?" The boy said while catching his breath between his words.

" Yes it is, class this is Riki. The new student. Please make him feel welcome, Riki, go sit next to Yuki, the one using the pink pencil."

He walked over and put his bag down. " Aren't you the one I saw at the library?" Riki said while smiling.

" Yeah. Nice to meet you, Riki." Yuki said while smiling.

" Poor boy, hes going to get the cursed demons curse." Said Miso while laughing.

Yuki's smile dropped and looked at her desk. " Cursed Demon?" Asked Riki with a confused looking face.

He's going to start calling me that. *sigh* I should have not came today for class.

Yuki was silent after that and and she felt Riki stare at her. She didn't mind it because she was used to people glaring or staring at her.

At times she would stare back and quickly look away. Yuki never dared to talk to him again especially after Miso basically shouted out her nickname.

*RING* It was time for lunch. Yuki wasn't excited. Lunch time was pure torture for Yuki. Miso always made fun of her.

Yuki walked towards the cafeteria just like the other kids in the halls, many people were making out in the halls, a fight was going on at the same time. Many other things too.

Many loud voices was heard to. People were talking, yelling, whispering.

It was all a mix. Yuki wasn't surprised because this was the usual

Everyone made their way into the doors and entered the cafeteria.

Today they were serving Mac and cheese with milk, strawberry's and carrots.

Yuki got her tray and entered her school ID code " 143" into the code pad, everyone was sitting down and leaving a two person seating area for Yuki

Now it's not because they want to, but because the people need to. They don't want the "curse." of Yuki.

Yuki sat by the window by herself, she also noticed Riki walking around trying to find a table.

Riki saw her and gave a big smile. Yuki saw him to and gave a small smile.

Riki walked over to her.

" Can I sit here?"

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