Chapter 5

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The next day at school, the buzz of the festival was still in the air.

Everyone was talking about their favorite performances, and even the teachers had a spring in their step.

But as the day wore on, the whispers grew quieter, and the smiles less bright.

It was like the world was holding its breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And then, it did.

As he was walking to his locker, he heard it. A voice that sent chills down his spine.

"Nathan, I need to talk to you."

He turned to find Cassidy standing there, her eyes full of something he hadn't seen before.


It was the first time he had seen that emotion from her.

"What's up?" He asked casually, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach.

"You," She said, her voice cold.

"What was that stunt you pulled last night?"

"What stunt?" He feigned ignorance.

"Don't play dumb with me," She snapped.

"You're the reason my performance was almost ruined!"

Nathan blinked, surprised by the accusation.

"I was just trying to help."

"You were trying to make me look like a fool!" Cassidy spat.

"You're always so eager to take the spotlight, aren't you?"

He took a step back, his heart racing.

"Cassidy, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me!" She yelled, drawing the attention of nearby students.

"You think you can just waltz in here and change everything? You're nothing but a freak!"

The words stung, but he knew he had to keep his cool.

"Look, I'm sorry if it seemed that way," He said, his voice calm but inside Seraphim was itching to slap her.

"But the festival was for everyone, not just you."

Her eyes narrowed.

"You think you're so much better than me, don't you?"

"That's not what I said."

"But it's what you meant!" Cassidy accused.

The crowd around them grew, and he could feel their stares boring into him.

He had to fix this, and fast.

"Cassidy, stop it! If it wasn't for Nathan stopping the show, you would of been the school laughing stock!" Carter said angrily as he came in between his two friends.

Cassidy took a step back, surprise flitting across her face.

"What are you talking about, Carter?"

"You heard me," He said firmly.

"Nathan was the one who saved your performance. If it wasn't for him, you'd be the one everyone's gossiping about."

The crowd murmured, and Cassidy's cheeks flushed with anger.

"You're just taking his side because you're jealous of my talent!"

Nathan felt the tension in the air thicken. He had to do something before this escalated into a full-blown fight.

"Cassidy, let's talk about this later, okay?" He suggested, trying to diffuse the situation.

But she was in no mood to listen.

"You think you can just ruin my life like that and get away with it?"

Her hand shot out, and before he could react, she slapped him across the face.

The sound echoed through the hallway, and the crowd gasped.

Nathan's cheek stung, and for a moment, he just stared at her in shock.

Carter's face darkened, and he took a step forward, but Nathan held up a hand to stop him.

"It's okay," He murmured.

"I've got this."

He turned to face Cassidy, his eyes cold.

"I don't know what your problem is, but I'm not going to let you ruin the festival or our friendship."

The words hung in the air, and for a moment, it seemed like she was going to apologize.

But instead, she smirked.

"Friendship? You think we're friends? You're just a pawn in my game, Nate. And if you're not careful, you'll end up just like the rest of them."

With that, she spun on her heel and stormed off, leaving him standing there with his heart in his throat.

Nathan watched her go, his mind racing.

This was not how he had envisioned his life in this world.

He had thought that by changing the narrative, he could avoid the pain of the original story.

But it seemed like fate had other plans.

He turned to Carter, who was watching him with a concerned expression.

"Thanks for backing me up," He said quietly.

Carter shrugged.

"That's what friends do."

The word 'friends' hung between them, and for the first time, Seraphim realized that maybe, just maybe, he had found something real in this fabricated life.

They continued to walk down the hallway, their steps echoing off the walls.

"You know, Nate," Carter began.

"I think you're pretty cool, even if you are a bit of a weirdo."

Nathan couldn't help but laugh.

It was the first genuine laugh he had had in weeks.

"I'll take that as a compliment," He said.

But as they walked to class, Seraphim couldn't help but think about what happened.

Why did Cassidy's behavior changed so suddenly?

She was so kind and shy.

Could it be possible that someone else reincarnated into this world?

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