Chapter 3

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The next day, after a restless night, he approached school with a new determination.

He would make the most of this opportunity and create a festival that everyone would remember.

He had an idea.

Something that would shake up the status quo and maybe, just maybe, change the course of the narrative.

He spotted Carter leaning against his locker, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey!" Nathan said, trying to sound casual.

"I've been thinking about the festival. I have an idea."

Carter looked up, a flicker of interest in his eyes.


"Yeah," Nathan began, his voice gaining confidence.

"What if we did something different this year? Something that involves everyone, not just the popular kids?"

Carter raised an eyebrow.

"You mean like what?"

"How about we have a talent show?"

Carter paused, considering the idea.

"A talent show? That could be cool, but it's a lot of work."

"Exactly," said Nathan, his excitement growing.

"But it'll give everyone a chance to shine, not just the usual suspects."

The two of them talked over the details as they walked to class, and by the time they reached the door, they had a rough plan in place.

Over the next few weeks, they worked tirelessly, recruiting performers from every corner of the school. The more they worked together, the more Seraphim realized that maybe he had misjudged the characters from the novel.

Carter was a natural leader, charming and persuasive, and even though he was popular, he didn't act like the typical high school royalty. He actually listened to what people had to say and cared about making the festival a success for everyone.

Nathan found himself growing more comfortable in his role as they worked side by side. He enjoyed the challenge of organizing the talent show, finding ways to make it inclusive and entertaining. It was the first time he had felt truly engaged in school activities since the fateful day he had been thrust into this world.

As the festival day approached, the excitement in the air was palpable. Posters plastered the hallways, and whispers of the upcoming performances filled every corner of the school. Even the teachers were caught up in the buzz, offering their support and encouragement.

On the day of the festival, the gymnasium was transformed into a vibrant stage, with colorful lights and decorations.

The air was thick with anticipation and nerves as the performers prepared backstage.

Nathan looked over the lineup, his heart swelling with pride.

"I'm so excited!" Nathan said, his nerves kicking in as Carter and Misha tried to calm him down.

Key word, tried.

The real Nathan got stressed very quickly and Seraphim was the same.

Too much over thinking.

What if something went badly?

What if someone got hurt?

What if Nathan himself did something embarrassing out there as the announcer!?

Gosh, he'll never live it down.

Did he bring his rope?


Back pocket.


As Carter tried again with Nathan, Misa looked around.

There were students from every clique and social circle, each with their own unique talent to share.

Misha knew that by the end of the night, the school dynamics might just shift a little, all thanks to their hard work.

"Calm down, Nathan. You and Carter have to announce everyone." Misha said handing him the mic.

Nathan took the mic with shaky hands and looked at Carter for support.

Carter gave him a thumbs up.

Nathan took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.

The lights hit him like a ton of bricks, blinding him momentarily.

As his eyes adjusted, he saw the sea of faces looking back at him.

He cleared his throat.

"Welcome everyone to the 2023 school talent show!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

The show began with a bang, quite literally, as the opening act was a magician pulling off an impressive pyrotechnic trick.

Throughout the evening, there were singers, dancers, comedians, and even a yo-yo performer that had the audience in stitches.

Nathan watched from the side of the stage, feeling a strange sense of belonging.

This was his world now, and he was making a difference.

As the night went on, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness that he wasn't a part of the performance.

He missed the thrill of the spotlight, the rush of adrenaline as he played his guitar and sang his heart out.

But as he saw the joy on the faces of his classmates, he knew that his role as the organizer was just as important.

Cassidy's performance was next.

Her friends whispered excitedly as she took the stage.

Nathan had been dreading this moment, knowing that she would be the belle of the ball.

But as she began to sing, something unexpected happened.

Her voice was... off-key.

The crowd's cheers turned into awkward murmurs.

Cassidy's eyes grew wide with horror, and she froze mid-song.

The music stopped, and the room was silent.

For a moment, it seemed like the whole festival was going to be a disaster.

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