Chapter 12-Somber Goodbyes

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(Y/N) stood by the castle entrance, watching as students started to load their trunks onto the carriages. She had one last thing to do before leaving. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Snape standing alone, his back to her, staring out at the grounds. Summoning her courage, she approached him, her footsteps soft but purposeful.

"Professor Snape?" she asked hesitantly.

He turned, his dark eyes assessing her quietly. "I trust you've prepared yourself for the summer?"

(Y/N) hesitated before speaking, her voice soft. "There's something I need to tell you... Barty Crouch Jr. mentioned my mother when he—" she faltered, catching her breath, "he said things that... scared me."

Snape's expression remained unchanged, but his posture stiffened, his hands clasped behind his back. "What exactly did he say?"

"He said that my mother... that I had a legacy and that I should be having...visions," she whispered, feeling the weight of her words. "But I don't even know who she is."

Snape's lips pressed into a thin line. "You are not destined to repeat the sins of others, (Y/N). Your path is your own."

There was a rare pause between them, one that felt heavy with unsaid words. She bit her lip, unsure of what to say, before Snape spoke again, his voice quieter, almost protective. "You must be cautious this summer. Keep your abilities and your history secret, especially at the orphanage."

Snape's dark gaze softened, if only by a fraction. "I will ensure your safety," he said, his voice low, but resolute. "But you must stay vigilant and—above all—strong. Do not allow fear to control you." He could feel now all that she was, all she could become if not handled properly, he pitied the young girl, and knew he must protect her at all costs, if not me, who will?

(Y/N) felt a small flicker of comfort. It wasn't much, but it was something. "Thank you, Professor," she whispered, feeling a rare sense of gratitude for his concern, even if it was buried beneath his usual sternness.

With that, (Y/N) walked away, feeling a strange mixture of fear and relief. She wasn't alone, not entirely.


Once on the train, (Y/N) slipped into the compartment where Neville, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were seated. She took the seat next to Neville, and the hum of the Hogwarts Express filled the space. Neville, who had been staring out the window, turned to her with a soft smile.

As the train began to move, he couldn't help but glance at her, his mind swirling with unspoken thoughts. He remembered all the moments they'd shared, from the Yule Ball to the chaos of the final task. The way her eyes lit up when she laughed or how she always seemed to understand him in ways no one else did.

She leaned her head back, staring at the ceiling of the compartment, looking tired but content. Neville's heart did a little flip. I don't want this to end...

His mind drifted to the thought of not seeing her every day, not being with her any moment he could get, not hearing her sweet voice. The idea left a hollow ache in his chest. I should say something... I should tell her how I feel, but what if it's too soon? He glanced at her again. What if she doesn't feel the same?

(Y/N) caught him staring and smiled softly, causing Neville's face to heat up. Merlin, why does she have to be so perfect? He thought, his heart racing.

His mind was flooded with memories of the two of them at the Yule Ball, the way her dress had shimmered under the lights, and how his heart had nearly stopped when she smiled at him. He wanted to hold onto those moments forever.

As the train rattled down the tracks, Harry broke the silence. "What are your plans for the summer, (Y/N)?" She shrugged. "I guess I'm headed back to the orphanage."

Neville's chest tightened. He hated the thought of her going back there, alone. He shifted nervously in his seat, before blurting out, "Maybe we can write to each other?"

(Y/N) turned to him, her smile warm. "I'd like that, Nev. A lot." His heart nearly burst with relief. She wants to stay in touch, he thought, feeling the warmth spread through his chest. Maybe... maybe I won't lose her after all.

They spent the rest of the ride in a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. But as the train approached its destination, Neville grew restless. He didn't want to leave things unsaid. He didn't want to regret not telling her how much she meant to him.

As the train came to a halt, (Y/N) turned to say her goodbyes to everyone, but Neville caught her arm, his voice soft. "(Y/N)... I..."

She looked at him expectantly, her heart fluttering. "Yes, Neville?" He swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. "Just... stay safe this summer. And... I'll miss you."

(Y/N) felt her heart swell. She leaned in and gave him a hug, her arms wrapping around him tightly. "I'll miss you too, Neville. More than you know."

As they pulled away, their eyes met, and for a moment, everything else faded. Neville's heart was racing, his mind screaming at him to say more, to tell her how he felt. But instead, he smiled, his voice barely a whisper. "I'll write to you... every day."

(Y/N) grinned, her heart light. "I'll hold you to that." With one last smile, Neville watched her walk away, his heart still pounding in his chest. He knew everything was changing, but maybe—just maybe—they'd be alright.

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