Chapter 14-Back to Hogwarts

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The carriages rolled up to the grand entrance of Hogwarts, and (Y/N) stepped out, her heart a puddle of excitement and apprehension. The castle stood like a beacon, its spires silhouetted against the twilight. As she made her way toward the entrance hall, she could feel the weight of the upcoming year pressing down on her.

Neville still walked beside her, his presence a comfort. She glanced at him, now taking in even more how much he had changed over the summer. The way his robes fit him just right, the newfound confidence in his stride—it was impossible not to notice how incredibly handsome he had become.

Wow, (Y/N) thought, her heart fluttering. Neville looks...smoking hot. I can't believe how much he's grown. He's so much more than the awkward kid from before. The way he stands tall, the way his eyes hold such determination—it's impossible to ignore.

"You know," Neville said softly, trying to keep the mood light, "Hogwarts has this way of making everything feel like home, even when it's different."

(Y/N) smiled, her eyes reflecting the castle's warm glow. "Yeah, it's like no matter what changes, Hogwarts always feels like a place I belong." His heart fluttered at her words. "I'm really glad we're back. I've missed this place, and I've missed you."

Before they could share more, Draco Malfoy appeared, his smirk colder and more menacing than previously remembered. He sauntered toward them with an edge that seemed to draw shadows with every step. His eyes locked onto (Y/N), and his smile twisted into something far from friendly.

"Well, well, if it isn't (Y/N)," Draco drawled. "I see you're back. How lovely. Did you miss the grandeur of Hogwarts, or were you just eager to return to your usual miserable self?"

She raised an eyebrow, her patience thin. "What do you want, Draco?" Draco's gaze flicked to Neville, a cruel smile forming. "Oh, nothing much. Just thought I'd see how you're holding up. And look who's by your side—Longbottom. How pathetic. I didn't realize you'd still be fawning over this loser."

Neville's fists clenched, his jaw set. He stepped closer to (Y/N), his eyes narrowing. "Back off, Malfoy. You don't get to talk to her or me like that."

Draco's smirk widened, his eyes cold. "Oh, I'm sure you're quite the knight in shining armor. Just don't forget, Longbottom, that Hogwarts has a way of exposing people for who they truly are. And you're no exception."

Neville's anger surged, his face flushing with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. He wanted to defend himself, to stand up to Draco, but he could feel (Y/N)'s gaze on him, a mix of admiration and concern. Her support gave him strength he didn't even know he had.

She's looking at me like I'm some sort of hero, I couldn't be further from it. Neville thought, his heart racing. He didn't know how to explain it, but he felt like he needed to be strong for her, to show her that he was more than just the kid who used to stumble over his words.

As Draco walked off, his laughter echoing down the corridor, Neville turned to (Y/N), his voice low and filled with concern. "Are you alright? He was... more intense than usual."

She sighed, giving him a small, appreciative smile. "I'm fine. It's just Draco being himself. Thanks for standing up for me." Neville's heart raced at her words. His mind was a storm of thoughts and emotions. She's amazing, he thought.

As they entered the Great Hall, the Sorting Hat's song ended, and the feast began. The air was filled with the clamor of students catching up and the height of anticipation. Dumbledore took to the podium, his voice warm and welcoming.

"Good evening, children. Now we have two changes in starting this year: We are pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking care of Magical Creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge."

Professor Umbridge made her entrance in a ghastly, hot pink petunia dress and hat. She giggled to herself wildly when her name was called. (Y/N) felt a pang of distaste as she eyed the new professor.

"And I'm sure you will all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. Now, as usual—" Dumbledore was interrupted by Umbridge, who screeched loudly.

"Ahem," Umbridge said, her voice grating. She walked to the front of the platform. "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome; and how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I am sure we are all going to be good, good friends."

"Yeah, right," (Y/N) muttered under her breath. She could feel Neville's gaze on her, and she looked over to see him watching her with a mix of concern and sympathy.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance," Umbridge continued. "Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected, and annul prude practices that ought to be prohibited!"

She giggled to herself and walked over to her seat. She rolled her eyes, her distaste for the new professor clear.

The dinner passed in a blur for Neville. He kept his gaze on (Y/N) as much as possible, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. She's so beautiful, so strong, he thought. I wish I could tell her how I feel. I wish I could be more than just her friend. I want to protect her from all this— from Draco, from Umbridge, from everything.

As the students began to head to their common rooms, Neville stayed behind, hoping for one last glimpse of (Y/N). His heart pounded as he watched her leave with her fellow Slytherins. He wanted so badly to be with her, to support her, to tell her everything he couldn't muster the strength to say.

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