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After Bruce and his friends left Grab-n'-Go, Vance stood there in front of the pinball machine, staring blankly at the flashing lights. But the usual satisfaction he got from the game wasn't there anymore. Bruce's words from earlier echoed in his head, and it made it impossible for him to focus. With an annoyed sigh, Vance pushed away from the machine and decided to leave.

He wandered aimlessly for a while before his feet carried him to the park. It was a quiet spot, a place where he could get away from everyone. As he made his way through the park, Vance's eyes scanned the area-more out of habit than interest-and that's when he spotted Bruce again, sitting on a bench with his younger sister, Amy.

For a moment, Vance considered turning around and leaving. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Bruce again, especially after the weird exchange at the store. But instead, he walked by, pretending not to care, even though a part of him couldn't resist glancing Bruce's way. He gave Bruce a brief side-eye, just enough to acknowledge his presence without engaging.

Bruce noticed him instantly. His gaze followed Vance as he passed by, his curiosity piqued once again. Vance's cold shoulder only made Bruce more determined to understand what was going on in his head.

Before he could stop himself, Bruce stood up, ready to go after him. That's when Amy, with her usual cheeky grin, called after him. "Go get your man, Bruce!"

Bruce shot her a look, rolling his eyes at his sister's teasing, but deep down, it struck a chord. He didn't know why he cared so much about Vance, but something about the way they kept crossing paths was messing with him. Without saying anything else, Bruce jogged to catch up with Vance, his footsteps light on the grass.

He caught up just as Vance was about to exit the park, and for a moment, they walked side by side, though the tension between them was palpable.

"We were supposed to be partners for the English project," Bruce said, his tone even but with a hint of exasperation. "But you didn't bother paying attention, so... when are we going to do it?"

Vance didn't even slow down, keeping his eyes forward as he shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. "I don't care about the stupid project, Yamada," he muttered, his voice low and tense.

Bruce frowned, quickening his pace to stay in step with Vance. "You might not care, but I do. We've gotta get it done. Can't you at least meet me halfway on this?"

Vance stopped abruptly, turning to face Bruce with a look of frustration. "Why do you always have to push, huh? It's just a project! You act like everything matters so damn much. I said I don't care, so leave it alone."

Before Bruce could respond, Vance turned on his heel and started walking faster, his steps hurried as if he was trying to outrun not just Bruce, but whatever was going on inside his own head.

"Vance-" Bruce called after him, but his words were cut off as Vance broke into a run, disappearing down the path and leaving Bruce standing there, feeling a strange mix of frustration and concern.

Bruce watched him go, his heart racing for reasons he couldn't quite explain. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. This whole situation with Vance was more complicated than he'd ever imagined, and every time he tried to reach out, Vance just pulled further away. Yet something told Bruce that Vance's anger wasn't just about him-it was about something deeper, something Vance wasn't ready to confront.

As Bruce turned back toward the bench where Amy was still sitting, he could hear her laughing in the distance. He shook his head, trying to brush off the tension, but it lingered, settling deep in his chest.

"Go get your man," Amy had said, half-joking.

But as Bruce sat down beside her again, the words replayed in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if, in some strange way, Amy had hit on something real.

698 words
It's short ik I'll try to make some parts loner😭<3

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