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The clouds were ever so prominent, the sky's gray the winds careless. It reminded me of home in London, the city of every shade of gray. Birds whistled out at us, prettily speaking songs of heartache and loss. I was deprived of tea and tired from plane rides and taxi trips. The sun only barley peered through a cloud, shining only white light on some trees. You couldn't see yellow or golden for miles. I was leafing through my office, under my desk on my hands and knees searching for my dropped ball-point pen. When I sit up my head bumps the bottom of my desk, and I curse profanities, rising back to my chair.

I spin around in the chair, not really getting any work done. Clicking and unclicking my pen over and over. It's a Sunday afternoon. It's cold and wet. The trees outside my window sway, the birds in them hide from my view. The fireplace behind me has been going since the early hours of this morning and is slowly dying down. Through the window I see an old Mercedes rolling up the dirt driveway and watch one of my housemates and best friend Beatrice scurrying to the front door with groceries, still dressed in a blazer and smart pants. Beatrice was a journalist. She was holding a leather briefcase in one hand and a takeout coffee cup in the other.

My office is facing the front of the house. But is still quite a walk to the front door. It's on the other side of the library. We lived in a large old-fashioned home. On many acres. It was a huge purchase. But Beatrice, Wes, Judy and I all chipped in. Judy was never here, she was in France nine months of the year, training ballet with some big scholarship. And Wes was in college studying music production.

I hear the front door unlock and hear muffled voices from the hall and stand up from my chair stretching my muscles. My socks are quiet on the library floor, and I see Wes and Beatrice by the front door. "Oh, you got rained on sweets?" I pout as Beatrice hangs up her coat.

"Mother nature's blessing" she quips, and I smile wrapping an arm around her. In a half hug. Wes smiles at us.

"Why are you wearing a hat inside Wes," I say pulling his baseball cap off as he laughs.

"Oh, so now you notice me, this one's been in her office all day Bea". We walk further into the house, and I flick the kettle on. Beatrice just chuckles at Wes's comment. As she sat her briefcase on the kitchen island. "When's Benny and the kiddies getting here?" Wes asks as I make myself a tea, Beatrice a coffee and Wes a hot chocolate.

I turn my phone on and gaze at the time before opening the fridge for milk. "About an hour." Wes nods and Beatrice mutters something about having a speed shower after she guzzles her much needed coffee. I pass them their drinks and we stand around the bench talking.

"So, Shakespeare. What have you been working so hard on today?" Beatrice asks me and I smile bashfully.

"Nothing really, just some lyrics. And I write this piano section for that song me and Wes were working on last Tuesday" I say and Bea smiles. As said, she guzzles her coffee and goes to her room for a speed shower. Before my brother and his kids get here. I see Wes looking at me intently from behind his mug as I scroll through emails on my phone. I look up at him noticing his staring. "What?".

"You are really amazing. That's all". A smile tugs at my cheeks involuntary. I walk over to Wes and give him a big hug sneezing him tightly.

"Thanks, Wessie. Your pretty alright yourself."

"Oh, just alright!" He says in mock hurt before chasing me around the kitchen before catching me and tickling me till I cry.


I hear angelic voices giggling down the hallway into the main family room that backs onto the dining/kitchen space. Kneeling down I open my arms, and two little curly haired kids run into me with wide smiles. "Aunty Posie!" Charlie says before his sister Lucie shows me her teddy bear and the Peppa Pig band aid on her knee. I give them both kisses on their hairlines before standing up and walking towards my brother Benny.

"Hey sis," he says with tired eyes. I smile and embrace him muttering a greeting. After dinner Beatrice plays with the kids while Wes and Benny come into my office/studio to listen to the new song we're working on. Benny used to produce my music when I was young. "Damn, Posie this is great. You've got to release it" he gushes, and my cheeks turn pink bashfully. 

Benny doesn't stay for long, as the kids are both under the age of six and need sleep, plus he has work tomorrow. Wes and I work on the song until he kisses my cheek goodnight, muttering something about classes tomorrow morning. I leave my office at quarter to two. As an insomniac, it's not surprising. 


@posiehawke-                                                 tagged- @wesroman, @bennyhawke,

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@posiehawke-                                                 tagged- @wesroman, @bennyhawke,

making music with da boys, casual sunday afternoon. Mwah!

                        liked by @beatricepotter, @gracieabrams, and 17,564 others


      @user1- posieposieposieposie NEW MUSIC WHEN???


                |@user3- i know homegirl posie hasn't released anything yet but i've been following for years and her voice with gracies!!! collab when.

     @bennyhawke- It's so good sista, babysit your niece and nephew friday night?

                |@posiehawke- you don't ask for much, do ya?

@judycirce- love you bbgirl miss you. so excited for sing songs!

              |@posiehawke- miss you too ballerina <3

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