Seven Minutes- Asahi (Ghost)

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Yukie grabbed the paper and smirked, "She got Asahi."

Asahi freezes and turns red all the way up to the tips of his ears. You were no better.

You look at the ground, "It's ok. We don't have to do this."

Asahi shakes his head, "No-no. It's fine. Let's go."

You both go to the closet. The door gets slam and you both stand there for a second in the dark. You decided to turn on the light.

You are still looking down, "I'm sorry I pulled your name."

His eyes go wide, "What? Why?"

"I know you probably were hoping for someone pretty to draw your name but instead I did."

"W-w-why would I-I-I want someone pretty when someone b-beau-beautiful did?"

You slowly look up at him. He's standing there redder than a tomato but with a determined look. He marches up to you and wraps his arms around your waist. He pulls you in. You weren't moving much because you were so stunned.

Asahi bent down and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You finally snap out of your state and return the kiss. It was short and sweet.

He pulls back and smiles down at you, "I um I like you."

You return the smile, "I like you too."

Smiling widely, He kisses you again. You two kiss for a few more minutes when the door swings open.

Noya yells, "It's about time Asahi. I knew you had it in you."

You look at Noya, then Asahi. Asahi looks embarrassed. You giggle and lead him out of the closet.

Yachi smiles, "You two finally together?"

Asahi nods and drags you away. As you were being dragged away you hear Yukie.

Yukie chuckles, "Ok Yachi. Your turn."

Yachi pulled Hinata. You thought that should be interesting. You know those two like each other.

Turning back to Asahi, "Where are we going?"

He stutters, "To-to a table to t-talk."

You two sit at the table that's far from everyone so you can have some privacy.

He looks at you, "So um L/N would you be my g-g-g-girlfriend?"

"I would love to."

He jumps up and brings you into a hug. There was a whistle. Looking over to where it came from you see Daichi and Sugawara smiling at you two. They gave a thumbs up and return to the party.

You were very happy with Asahi. He was the sweetest boyfriend. After graduation, he proposed. You two married a few years later and had a wonderful family. You couldn't have asked for a better life.

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