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EXTRA+☆ [Extra: Plus]

(Attention this is another special for my kill la kill story, it is a spin-off mini special (OVA) to the story with a different theme and name. This dose not tie up with the story by any means just a fun little mini story spin-off of it...enjoy! 😁)

Kill The Database

I abruptly open the door to HQ and look to my right, I see Mikisugi our HQ's technician fiddling with the keys of the CPU. His fingers slide and pace quickly over each key, while he roughly and abruptly enters each into the module. As he Glances in my direction he halts for a moment and continues on with his work.

"So anything...?" he asks curiously

I angrily frown, while vigorously gritting my teeth together. "That bitch carries those body guards around wherever she go's.... " I impatiently say

Satsuki Kiryuin the mad women who i believe to be behind my fathers murder. she'd given me foul play by ordering one of her lackeys to do the fighting for her, not only that but she seemed to recognize my weapon on instinct.

"Ryuko-Kun Take a look at this!..." Mikisugi says

He quickly pulls up a window on the monitor and turns it in my direction....

It reads"Hinnōuji Academies Full Warp All-Star Battle Royal"

"What dose this mean?..." I quickly sputter

Mikisugi then gives me a dumb-founded type of look then scrolls down the page, a description is written under the webpages home title: "All Hinnōuji Academe participants will participate in an all fledged warp battle royal held within the Academies digital & 3-D optical terrain specialized indoor training and battle center! The one who comes out victorious shall earn the privilege to battle Satsuki-sama herself in a one-on-one battle!"

"Privilege!?" I loudly announce in a snarky tone.

( later...)

"Senketsu are you ready?..." I quietly say.

"Yes Ryuko, when your ready" he calmly says

I place my hand on Senketsu's trigger and yank it out of its socket. Until moments later enormous flows of power floods throughout my body, As the regular Senketsu look forms. Then I quickly grab & activate my my red-scarlet scissor blade that stood attached to my GX-3 utility belt, it had been the one and only blade I held so dear to my heart.

"Matoi Ryuko, know i will not take anything that is not your best..." Satsuki announces.

I snear at her and yell with hefty voice:

"Oh really...I wouldn't like it any other way!!"

(Sorry i have ton and tons of writers block, and lost inspiration...i may not ever finish this special ever... ) 😓

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