Chapter II: Return

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Chapter II: Return

"Life Fibers travel throughout the is only a matter of time...they will reach earth once again...and rule you pity humans..."

"Then...humans will continue being humans..."

I remember floating there, watching my mother carefully as she took her own life....

She had believed that Life Fibers could rule over all and dominate everything living. She had implanted Life Fibers into clothes and sold them worldwide, her company known as "Covers" had successfully managed to ship covers attire worldwide. The life fibers had been in there dormant state when sold to the people of the world, they would be awakened and life fibers would cover the planet.

My mother had been a fool...she could not comprehend that clothing had only been clothing...humans are humans. Clothing cannot become humans...and humans cannot become clothing. "Clothing is clothing...humans are humans..." Yet I'm am somewhere in between the two...I'm neither clothing nor human...yet at the same time I am clothing and human...

Senketsu had been the same...he had gained my "power" and become something more then what he was...he is not clothing or human...yet at the same time...he is clothing...and human. Senketsu had been capable of evolution...the strength he drew only grew with every fight...every time I put him on he only...grew stronger...

-"Then...humans will continue being humans..."- the phrase sways in my mind back...and forth as a swing.


"Ryuko-Chan! Ryuko-Chan!!"

"Huh...what is it Mako?" I say

She looks at me closely and frowns.

I had not been listening to what she had been saying had I...


"Nothing...never've been empty headed lately...are you ok?..."

"Ya....just a little...distracted..."

I grab my bowl that I had used for dinner and chuck it in the sink.

"Thanks for the meal....I'm going to bed..."

I enter the small room to my left, on the floor lays my bed tucked in the center of the room next to a wooden dresser. I had hung Senketsu on that dresser many times as I had wondered on to sleep...

I slowly tuck myself into bed, clutching onto the only recollection of my dear Kamui....Senketsu

As I lay on my bed flat as a board, I smother myself in my beds warmth. Though I feel the warmth of my bed and am comfortable with the position I lay, I cannot sleep, I am restless. Knowing the things I'd know and learning the world and your purpose...I had been already strung low handling the burden I carry from my past.

Knowing that the thing you witnessed or something you'd done or could've done to change your begin regretting what you had done or should've done.

-"My purpose..."-

My purpose had been to stop my mothers plots and ambitions. Though I had succeeded...I feel incomplete...I had won...but had I really won....could that purpose had been the only reason I'm alive? Why I breath?.....Senketsu's purpose had been to be a weapon in a war of life had meant that he had to kill...his kind. I had gotten angry for his sake...he had a mind of his own...a voice to speak with (even though I was the only one you could hear him)...but there had been no other reason he was created....

Laying there in my bed, eyes wide awake and active. I take a long stare at the ceiling...

" my purpose now?.....Father..."

Clenching the piece of cloth hard in my hand, the texture feels scratchy and rough. As if...goosebumps....

"Huh...why dose it feel...rough?..."

Oh ya...I remember this has happened before mako had pointed it out in the past...the roughness of Senketsu's fabric in the past...had been as goosebumps.

-"it's rough goosebumps...don't you think?"-

That had only tolled me one thing.... "Trouble...."

"Just...what's happening?..."

As I stand up, I carefully place the piece of cloth on top of the windowsill and head back to my bed...

As I tuck myself once again, I feel if I may just be snatched into sleep instantly...

My eyes begin to shut and I am overtaken by sleeps magical spell.......


My eyes open and i find myself at what remains of my family estate, where my father had met his end......

"Ryuko..." I hear as the the wind sways me in it's direction.

Seeing this place brings back emotions and pain from the past, my heart aches...the pain in my heart still resides from my fathers death...though I had accomplished what he had sought in me to save everyone, but I still am not sure...if I had not been so inflicted with my father...could I have saved him?....could I have changed his fate?....

That I do not know....but what I do know is....the task he had sought out of me before his death....had been accomplished...knowing I had won his dying words...makes me happy....

"...Ryuko!" This time I hear it more clearly with louder force.

I turn looking in the direction the sound had resonated, but there is no one there only the wind blows and sways in the daylight sun....

Had everything I heard been my imagination? An illusion? A trick of the mind?.....or could it what I expected to see?

Could he in this world that is my reality that Is filled with past regrets and sorrow....


This time I turn and in my sight of vision stands....Senketsu....


He hops so that he stands in front of me......

"Are...are you real..."

He gives me a smile and grabs my hand with his sleeve...

"Do you believe I'm real?...."

"I'm not left me didn't you?...." I ask

"Ryuko...I did not leave you...I still reside...within you..." He says

I smile and feel warms drops stream down my cheeks and drip off my chin..."Your right..."


His smile then turns into frown as he looks me in the eyes....

" is time...yet again..."

As those words are said the world collapses and blackens into a Mir nothingness and I had woken from what only had been a dream...

[CHAPTER END] [Next: Chapter III: Fibers Soul Potential]

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