Chapter V: TRiGGER Reloaded

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Chapter V: TRiGGER Reloaded

I feel warmth travel through out my body, my heart beats at a slow pace growing louder with each moment. The sound pings in my ears drum, shutting out outside noises. Though I wear Senketsu, it feels more than him just being worn by me. It feels as if he is creasing me...the warmth, his mind focused on me and me only. This has been something I had not felt in sometime because of his absence, I had merely forgotten how good it felt. (Who knew a perverted sailor uniform could feel this comfortable?)

"Ryuuko..." Senketsu says catching me off guard.

"Huh...ya?" I say

"I know you don't wanna fight...but-

"I's for everyones sake..." I say cutting him off.

In moments notice the ground shakes us aloft and I stumble to the ground.

"It's here!" Senketsu shouts

"What's here?!..." I shout confused on the situation.

I open the door to the room and sprint outwards into the corridor, where the mountains of rubble lay. My steps are heavy, slapping the ground with force echoing through the hallway. I reach the end of the corridor and lance upwards climbing the rubble, digging my feet into the rubble so that I do not fall. As i reach the top, i crouch and position myself for a jump.

"Ready Senkets!"

"Ready!" He says confidently.

Positioned on the mountain, I jump and push myself up. I quickly move my arm and pull the trigger positioned on the curve of my glove. In an instance I am off the ground and taking to the sky's.

"Kamui Senketsu! Senketsu Shippu!!"

I now hover above the ruble that is my home. I then turn my head to the right and see what looks like trouble, an giant orange reddish sphere shaped-like figure surrounded by what looks to be clothing is positioned over the town. Wait?! Could it be...? The original life fibers..!? But how?! And why?!

-"Life fibers will return to this planet...and rule you petty humans..."-

-"Huh!...what she had said had been true?!"-


Knowing that this mayhem has not ended, giving me yet more than I can handle. There are people I want to protect! I want to protect them!...I want to protect them! Though the world is not what it seems.....and it may through obstacles in my way...that dose not mean I will give up. I don't care if I have to beat those rotten life fibers over again! I will protect everyone!....

"Senkets....let's go beat the hell out of that thing!..." I yell enraged.

"Ryuuko your blood is hot!..." He says enthusiastically.

"You bet!' I shout back.


The ground fiercely shakes with tons amount of force being taken on buildings, one of them including the very school of Honnōuji Academy...

"What's happening?!" Satsuki-Sama screams in confusion.

"It seems as something a float has positioned itself on top of the town Satsuki-Sama..."

A monitor is turned on and is positioned to face Satsuki-Sama...

"It can't be?!..."

On the monitor can be seen the original life fibers positioned above the town destroying everything that lays in it's path. It glows with ever shades of red that reflect from it and cover the town. It Being that it devours things that lay distinctly in it's path it only grows stronger from witch life it consumes. With each soul and or living thing it consumes it only grow a lust for more, making it that much more fierce than before. It's ignited everlasting flame seeks revenge, on those who put it down.

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