Chapter VII: Deep In My Heart

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Chapter VII: Deep In My Heart

-Deep down in my heart I know that everything eventually comes to an end, though those times you've had eventually come to an end, it dose not mean you stop living. Those times are the past as you remembered them first, but new ones will grow, for it may seem hopeless, but my life isn't over yet. Longing on a past you may never relive, grieving a pain you can't let go, you must grow as a person and move on. There are no if's or but's, no doubts, for the world moves without you. Let go of your pain, live what's is now and not grieve what has been, for the strain on your heart, it will lead you astray. That anger that dwells, strung by your heart, let it become resolve and accept it, for a great anger may rule you....-

("They will come again...")

-"Even so humans will stay humans"-

("They will rule...")

-"Even so we will try...with our past behind us..."-

("I'm glad I met you...")

("She's trying to put down her sword....after holding it up her whole life...")

("My daughter, after thinking you where dead all these years...")

("Ryuko were the same, your not alone...")

("I won't let anyone ruin my happiness...")

("Do you see? This planet, that sun, those stars?")

("Don't can wear clothes far cuter than I....")

This is me- I be neither human nor clothing, yet am human and clothing at same time. A world that makes no sense, that's just who and what we are, that's what makes this world beautiful. Beautiful is different, different is unlike any other, a world that stands out....

I want to protect this world, not only that but I want to keep this feeling, this feeling of reassurance, of family, friends, and places....

A Past can haunt you,
swallow you whole,
until there is nothing left.
Eating away at that sliver of hope you have,
that feeling is gone,
terror is thee outcome,
You are nothing...


"Ryuko-Kun!" Mikisugi yells from a distance trying warn me to move from an incoming projectile.

But it's to late it hits me directly, but I don't stumble to the ground, I stand perfectly where I had been standing this whole time. I do not care anymore I've had enough!!

"Was that your Attack? I say as my eyes are planted, looking at the ground.

"Your going to need more than that to take me down!!" I yell vigorously with tears swelled in my eyes.

I begin pacing closer and closer, as she continuously fires mountains of projectiles at me. But I lay unharmed from the impacts and explosions as they collide with me and everywhere around me...

-"I have to believe..."-

Each footstep I take, vibrating from the projectiles and ground collisions. My heart beating steadily, as I breath in and out slowly with each step taken...

-"I can do this..."-

Once I've taken my last step, I stop and lift my face, so that my gaze matches hers. I begin running at a fast pace, throwing each leg froward in front of the other....

-"Give me strength!..."-

"Ryuuko?!..." Senketsu says befuddled.

I give him a look from under my eyes...

"Let's do this....." I say smirkingly

As i fasten my pace, I jump and synchronize into senkets shippu form and quickly speed at ragyo. Stunned from how fast I boost in the air, she hesitates, looking helpless. I boost high up into the sky, higher then I've ever soared with Senkets. Then as I reach altitude, I sharply shift and position myself.


I boost down from the heavens with tremendous speed, like a blazing meteor. Faster, even faster, until it's so much I feel my stomach churning. As I reach what I aimed for, I raise my Scissors as I'm about to collide. I finally hit, my scissors then slice deep into the Orginal life fibers. But it is not enough, my scissors remain stuck in the Original life fiber. Gripping both scissors, I use all my strength and forcibly run them through thee other way, quickly running across the surface of the life fiber crust. I manage to slice all the way through its thick edge, but as I do it explodes.


This battle, it's outcome, determined by me and no one else. For I won't just sit back and let things play out, an outcome, it's cause, an action, a change. A leading provider for the greater good, this choice is mine....

Don't dwindle your time, for it's game, a game of time forever in vain.
See the sign, make an action, speak aloud, beneath the ashes,
Play your cards, face a fear, without hesitation...

I choose to forget my past, not to relive it, For nothing I do now will change it. Though I cannot change the past, the past can change me, my heart, and mind. You can't tell me what I must be, for it is what i will be, that will spark a change, from my world to yours. For we are the reason, this world stands so beautiful.


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