1. extreme aggressor

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1. extreme aggressor

 extreme aggressor

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Jasmin Jones stands in front of the FBI headquarters in Quantico, her military duffle bag slung over one shoulder. The early morning air feels different here, less rigid than the bases she's spent the last few years on. Still, the same sense of discipline runs through her veins as she takes in her new surroundings. The Behavioral Analysis Unit. The BAU. She still can't fully wrap her head around it. Criminal profiling, she thinks to herself, shifting her bag. How did I end up here?

She pushes the door open and steps inside, walking toward the receptionist who directs her to an office. It's all happening so fast. She was a captain in the Navy just last week. Now, she's about to meet Aaron Hotchner, the man who requested her personally.

When she reaches his office, the door is slightly ajar. She knocks, and a voice from inside calls, "Come in."

Jasmin steps into the room. Behind the desk sits Hotchner—tall, poised, dressed sharply in a suit. His expression is calm, but there's an intensity in his eyes that immediately catches her attention. He stands up, offering a handshake.

"Captain Jones, I presume," Hotchner says, his voice firm but welcoming.

"Just Jasmin is fine," she responds, shaking his hand.

"Welcome to the BAU, Jasmin," he says, gesturing for her to sit down. She does, placing her bag beside the chair. "How was your trip?"

"Uneventful," she replies, her posture straight, though her eyes take in every detail of the room—the slight wrinkle in his shirt sleeve, the organized clutter on his desk, the subtle tension in his body language. It's instinctual for her now, to notice everything.

Hotchner leans back slightly, studying her. "I'm sure this is a bit of an adjustment," he begins, "coming from the military into a unit like this. We operate differently, but I believe your experience is exactly what this team needs."

Jasmin nods slowly. "I'm still wrapping my head around it, to be honest. Profiling criminals isn't something I've ever thought I'd be doing."

Hotchner smiles faintly, leaning forward. "But you've been doing it already, without realizing it. I've read your file. You led successful missions in situations where the odds were against you. You adapted to enemy movements, predicted their next steps. That's exactly what we do here, just with different enemies."

She's quiet for a moment, processing his words. "So what's different about doing it here, in the BAU?" she asks.

"In the field, you rely on more than just gut instinct. You study behavior, patterns, the psychology behind every move. It's about understanding why people do what they do, not just how. Criminals aren't all that different from the enemies you've faced, Jasmin. They're tactical, manipulative, unpredictable. But they leave traces behind in their actions, their choices. And you, with your hyperacuity, are already skilled at picking up on those traces."

1. The Mind Of a Criminal |  ᴰᵉʳᵉᵏ ᴹᵒʳᵍᵃⁿWhere stories live. Discover now