The Cannibal Overlord

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Some Time Later


I had awoken and found myself in a bed. I looked around the room noticing how elegant it looked.

I tried to get up but the pain in my chest stopped me. I looked and noticed myself damaged up from the waist.

The door to the room opened and an eyeless woman walked in the room with some food.

???: Ah, you're awake. I was starting to think you were a goner.

Y/n: Ummm thanks ummm Miss.....

Rosie: Rosie, so what's a handsome young man like yourself doing lying in a pool of his own blood.

Y/n: I....don't wanna talk about it.

Rosie: Personal issue, I get it

I winced as I try to get up again.

Rosie: I'd advise against that you know

I sigh as she handed me some food. I looked at it and almost grimaced. I noticed all the body parts from eyeballs and other stuff mixed in.

Rosie: Not big on Cannibal cuisine, well tough luck sonny that's all we got

I couldn't help but chuckle as she smiles

Rosie: I see I made the angel smile

I winced again but this time decided to lay back in the bed.

Y/n: yeah I needed it

Rosie: you're not at all surprised I found out you're an angel.

Y/n: I WAS laying in a pool of golden blood.

Rosie: Didn't think it was possible for you Heavenly pigeons to get hurt

Y/n(chuckles): Neither did I but here I am.

Rosie: you're taking this surprisingly well

Y/n: Eh well my ex-girlfriend always said I was always bull-headed. It's gonna take more than stabbing me to near death to keep me down.

Rosie: I like you kid.

Y/n: hey I'm in my early twenties

Rosie: yet I'm still older than you

Y/n: okay.......... Grandma (gets punched in arm) Ouch

Rosie: That's Auntie to you mister

I couldn't help but laugh as she laughed alongside me.

Y/n: I like you...oh s**t I never told you my name.

Rosie: well it's only polite

Y/n: Hahaha.....Names Zadkiel but my ex and her sisters call me Y/n.

Rosie: Well it's nice to meetcha Mr.Zadkiel

Y/n: No.....just Y/n Zadkiel brings back......... bad and unwanted memories

I started to remember a little bit about my past all the death, all the screaming, the pain and............ HER

Rosie: Right, this just got awkward

Y/n: tell me about it, I'm not big on all the touchy feely kind of stuff.

Y/n mind: well not anymore at least

???: Rosie where the hell, is my dinner

Rosie groans in annoyance as I gave her a confused look

Y/n: Friend of yours

Rosie: Husband

Y/n: yikes, guess I'm not the only one with relationship issues.

Rosie: Mother always said men are like leeches, they only stick to you when they need something, no offense.

Y/n: None taken

They both could hear Franklin ranting gibberish

Y/n: Uhhhh, I think you should answer that before Old grandfather clock over there blows an artery

Rosie: I hope he does that'll go great for dinner.

Y/n: you're a strange woman Rosie

She soon left the room as I placed the food on the table, wasn't really hungry, well not anymore at least. I started thinking about Heaven as by now the Extermination was over.

Y/n: I wonder if they would notice or care that I'm gone. Eh probably not.

Meanwhile In Heaven

No One's POV

A memorial service was he being held in Honor of one of their fallen Exorcist brethren.

A tall white haired Seraphim flew down to the podium before sending her condolences.

Sera: My fellow angels, we gather here today to mourn the loss of one your own.

The girls were crying as they stood around a portrait with Y/n's face in it.

In the picture it was of him eating a hotdog without his helmet on before looking surprised.

Exorcist: He was so sexy(sobbing)

Exorcist#2: why do all the hottest guys have to die

Exorcist#27: Those wretched demons took him away from us.

While the rest were crying and mourning the hottest Exorcist of the bunch. Only one Exorcist remained silent as they watched the others cry. She gritted her teeth as she watched her sisters mourn over his "death"

Sera: Zadkiel was a good man, he was loyal, he was brave, he may have not been the brightest individual.

Exorcist#57: Yeah but he had a great a** though

Sera: But his impact and his legacy shall live on in our hearts

Sometime Later

After your service, only one Exorcist stayed behind as she looked Y/n's picture. There was a moment of silence before they screamed in fury before punching the face ripping through it.


The Exorcist let a few tears drop before a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

???: Wait, you died in Hell, that means you may or may not be a sinner. That means (seductive) that means I get to hunt you down and make you my prey.

???(Seductively): Oh Zadkiel Mi amor~ I'm coming for you, and this time, you won't be able to LEAVE ME.....HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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