The Weapon Arms Dealer

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(Y/n's POV)

It's been a good 3 years since I was left for dead, by my so-called "girlfriend". Weird enough Hell ain't that bad, I mean there are the occasional riots, turf wars and other hectic bulls**t that comes with the tour.

I had just finished a workout in my apartment that Rosie helped get for me. Despite being a cannibal, she's such a sweetheart, honestly I don't understand what Adam and Sera are talking about not ALL demons are as vile as they say they are. Some of them are actually pretty chill, well maybe it was because they were high as a kite.

I was heading to the fridge to get something to eat when I heard my phone ring. Must be Rosie, and right on the money it was her.

Rosie: Hey Darling

Y/n: Hey Rose Petal

Rosie: My aren't you sweet, I could just eat you up

Y/n: you just might

Rosie: anywho, a good friend of mine has asked for a little favor.

Y/n: Favor?

Rosie: yeah she wants to meet you in person.

Somebody wants to talk to me, huh I wonder who? Well a friend of Rosie's is a friend of mine.......well except Susan. F**k that b***h Susan. She can suck and choke on an eyeball, and drown in a sea of blood.

Wait, what was I talking about again, oh yeah Rosie's friend. Well I got nothing better to do today. I decided to dress fancy only problem, I don't have a suit, well I did got ruined in a fight. F**king a**holes fighting me over some donuts. Anyway I'll just stop by Rosie's place and get my suit tatted.

Sometime Later

So I was at least 5 hours late, Damn it, stupid line, all I wanted was some coffee and some donuts, I walked up to a building, pretty fancy but I decided to entertain whoever wanted to see me.

I entered into the building, and was directed to the top floor, after I made it, I was met with a disappointed look from some tall white haired chick, and what looked to be her daughters

Y/n: Uhhhh......sorry I'm late,........donut (shows donuts)

They gave me an unamused look

Y/n: look it's not my fault okay, I WAS gonna be here on time, but the line at the coffee shop was long and then a bunch of a-holes started fighting.....

Woman: Enough, despite being overwhelming fashionably late

Y/n: I wouldn't call it fashionably late,........okay it's fashionably late I couldn't come up with a quip

The two girls in the room giggled as the mother sighed at my antics.

Y/n: sorry I tell jokes when I'm nervous, especially around beautiful women like yourselves

The two girls blushes as the older woman flared at me

Y/n: Okay too soon, sorry

Carmilla: On any case, my name is Carmilla Carmine and these are daughters Clara and Odette

Clara: Hi

Odette: Greetings

Y/n: Named Zad(pauses for moment)...........Y/n just Y/n.

Carmilla: I........see

Y/n: nice building ya got, so is this a job interview, I'm sorry I didn't fill out a form. Would have but I sometimes lose track of important things. It's not all........the time just sometimes my mind is too preoccupied and

Why Would You Wanna Check Out (Yandere HH Harem x Male Former Exorcist Reader)Where stories live. Discover now