[011] Dawn's Perilous Crossing

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The morning light streamed into the den, and I opened my eyes, blue sparks dancing within them. Graywing sat before me, grooming the fur on his shoulder. I let out a grunt, startling the poor gray tom. "Oh, you're awake," he said happily, his tail twitching. "Clearsky and I thought we could take you hunting."

I smiled at him and rose, shaking the burrs from my scales, but one stubbornly clung on. I hissed before nipping at it with my teeth. Then I stretched, allowing the sunlight flowing in to catch my white scales and the shimmering black stems of my quills. "Of course," I said, standing up and towering over Graywing. "But where's Clearsky?" I asked, and the gray tom flicked his tail towards the den entrance where I could see his light gray brother sitting, his gaze fixed on the sky.

I sighed and padded over to the cat, nudging my nose against his shoulder. "Let's head out," I whispered in his ear, making him jump. "Great spirits, Alba, don't scare me like that! You nearly made me jump out of my fur!" he yowled, and I chuckled before ambling out of the den and onto the paths between the Twoleg nests.

The cool morning air ruffled my quills as we emerged into the bustling Clan camp. Warriors were already gathering for patrols, their pelts gleaming in the early sunlight. Apprentices bounced excitedly around their mentors, eager to start their training for the day.

As we made our way towards the camp entrance, I couldn't help but notice the curious glances from our Clanmates. It wasn't every day they saw a porcupine warrior leading a hunting patrol. But that was who I was - Alba, the adopted kit of ThunderClan, raised among cats but bearing the unmistakable armor of my own kind.

Clearsky fell into step beside me, his pale gray fur brushing against my quills. "I was thinking we could try the Sunningrocks," he meowed, his voice tinged with excitement. "The river's been low, and I spotted some water voles yesterday."

Graywing nodded enthusiastically. "Good thinking, brother. What do you say, Alba? Feel up to showing these youngsters how it's done?"

I snorted in amusement. "As if you two need any showing. But yes, Sunningrocks sounds perfect. Lead the way, Clearsky."

As we padded through the forest, the familiar scents of ThunderClan territory washed over me. The earthy smell of decaying leaves, the sharp tang of pine, and the faint musk of prey all mingled together, creating the unique tapestry of home.

I may not have been born a cat, but here, among the warriors of ThunderClan, I had found my place. With my Clanmates by my side and the forest stretching out before us, I felt a surge of pride. Whatever challenges this day might bring, we would face them together - as warriors, as friends, as family.

Suddenly, I heard a yowl and saw that Shadowmoss was injured, blocking Tallshadow and hindering Crowscreech, who was trying to claw his way out of the thorns. Behind them, the Thunderpath loomed menacingly. I bristled and leaped forward without thinking. "What are you doing? Get away before a monster comes!" I snarled as I grabbed Shadowmoss and Tallshadow before bounding away, just as a monster roared past us.

I panted heavily as I set the injured cat down on the hard, stinking grass. "Foolish cat, what in the name of StarClan were you doing, and how did you get hurt?" I glared angrily at Crowscreech and lashed my tail. "Find Rainydew and ask her to gather some herbs. There should be plenty in the Twoleg gardens."

Crowscreech bristled, his fur standing on end. "I won't send her to her death," he protested, and I growled, my jaws quivering and nearly snapping shut around his head. "I am your guide, Crowscreech. You do as I say, or I'll personally shred you and feed you to the crows."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑, an indoraptor storyWhere stories live. Discover now