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Upon awakening, I jolted and nestled deeper into my nest. I gazed long and intensely at the expanse of the floor before me. It was but a dream, I thought, nothing more.
I sighed, shook my head, and retracted a talon to smooth down the quivering feather tufts atop my head.

 The sound of claws clicking caught my attention, and as I looked up, a familiar white and black snout poked through the door. "Oh, Mango, just leave me be," I grumbled, tail wagging nonetheless. Yet, our family dog pushed the door open nevertheless and strolled in, sniffing around my neck and chin before locking eyes with me, his brown ones meeting my sea-blue gaze. 

I nudged him in the face, he whimpered slightly and wagged his tail before walking away and settling down on a large mattress in the center of the room.

 He plopped down with a huff, and I shook my head, tapping my talon on the hard wooden floor of my room before surveying the area

 It was dimly lit, but these eyes were meant to navigate dark surroundings; I could discern the heat signatures of Mango and a few objects, like my lamps - but nothing more.

With a sigh, I soon rested my head again, closed my eyes, and tried not to hear the sound of Mango's breath. It soon lulled me back to sleep, until a few hours later, I was awakened once more by shuffling outside my door and Mango's whining. 

I hissed, and he withdrew. Rising up on my claws and then on my hind legs, I pushed at the door, which was considerably taller than me, but I still enjoyed doing this on my hind legs. I caught sight of the man I regarded as my father pacing around the living room.

 He was partially dressed in a dark blue jacket from his workplace, hanging off his shoulders, and a light blue shirt underneath. I tilted my head towards him. "What are you doing, Father?" I grunted

. I saw fear flicker in his eyes, and I let faint stripes along my sides light up as he backed away. "Alba, don't startle me like that!" he whispered and exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

 "What are you doing?" I hissed back. "And where is Mother?" Father sighed and shrugged. "I don't know if you're asleep, but it's not your turn to wake up yet. Why are you even awake?"

"I can't sleep," I hissed.

He sighed and approached me, patting me on the neck. "Don't worry, Darling, you'll soon rest. Now go, I have to head to work."

I rolled my cerulean eyes once more, turned on my heel, and pushed the door open wider for Mango to slip out. He did so, startling himself on the smooth wood as I stepped over him and nestled into my nest. There, I lay with the duvet wrapped around my hips and a small plush toy in the crook of my arm.

Soon, I succumbed to deep slumber, convinced that I wouldn't awaken again that night.


Upon waking for the first time, it was my mother who roused me.

"Come on, it's time to wake up," she nudged, drawing the duvet away from me. I grumbled at her, buried my face, and nestled my pens in the plush duvet. "No," I grunted.

Mother tugged and patted my head before exhaling softly. "Come now, Alba, I don't want to repeat this routine. It's the same every morning. Come on. You'll have time to rest before heading to school."

I hissed and stiffened. "Mommy, I'm not human, and you can't force me!"

Mother rolled her eyes. "I don't care, you're still my offspring, and you must attend school regardless of your nature." With that, she exited the room, leaving me to lie there for a moment before Mango entered and licked my cheek. I pushed him away. "Stay back, I have no interest in your slobber."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑, an indoraptor storyWhere stories live. Discover now