The attic

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*Jonas packed the box in another box and sealed this box with indestructible tape*

*Snowie sits in the box quietly, too scared to move or say anything*

*Jonas packed the box with lots of boxes*

*Snowie starts to tremble* Snowie: w-what are you doing to me......

*Jonas didn't hear Snowie because the box was too thick*

*Snowie starts shaking and crying* Snowie: please! Just let me out of here! I'll do anything!

*the box was packed too tightly to shake it or make itself noticeable*

*Snowie starts banging on the walls again* Snowie: I'm begging you! Please! I can't stay in here!

*Jonas still couldn't hear her and Snowie fell asleep*

*Snowie falls asleep out of exhaustion*

*she was so tired that she was sleeping for 10 hours*

*Snowie wakes up after a while and realizes she can't hear anything she starts to panic and bangs on the walls again*

*Jonas couldn't hear Snowie*

*Snowie starts screaming at the top of her lungs* Snowie: LET ME OUT! PLEASE!

*Jonas put the complete and thickly packed box in the attic*

*Snowie tries to call out for help but no one can hear her she starts to cry and beats on the walls, her fists getting sore from hitting them so hard*

*the box was indestructible*

*Snowie starts to lose hope she sits in the corner and just cries*

*a year has passed*

*Snowie has given up all hope and just sits in the corner, silently waiting for her fate*

*the same day Jonas opened the attic and the box fell down into the hallway*

*Snowie started crying and screaming as the box hit the ground*

*Snowie tries to speak but her voice is hoarse from screaming* Snowie: w-who's there?

*Snowie could hear footsteps coming to the box*

*Snowie holds her breath, too scared to move*

*Jonas carries the box into the basement*

the cat girl zoo Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now