Fractured Bonds

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Liora sat in the back of the classroom, her gaze fixed on Azazel's usual seat. Her notebook lay open, pen idly tracing the outline of a shape that vaguely resembled him—sharp lines for his jaw, rough curves for his eyes. Sometimes writing his name in Liora's pen danced across the page, her strokes fluid and graceful as she penned Azazel's name in an ornate cursive script, each loop and swirl a testament to the obsession that consumed her thoughts. Today, though, there was something different. He wasn't alone.

Nathaniel Sinclair walked into the room with an air of casual confidence, his presence immediately commanding attention. He was the sort of person whose charisma was almost palpable. With tousled brown hair, a chiseled jawline, and a smile that could light up a room, he was the archetypal popular student. His easy grace and relaxed demeanor made him well-liked, though his genuine warmth made it clear that he wasn't merely a superficial charmer.

"Hey, Nathaniel!"

Clarissa Cavenhaugh greeted him, her voice tinged with excitement. Clarissa was striking in her own right, with cascading auburn curls and piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold a world of their own. She had a natural elegance about her, a kind of effortless beauty that commanded attention without trying. Her laughter was a melodious sound, often resonating in the hallways as she moved among her friends with ease.

As Nathaniel and Clarissa approached Azazel, Liora's gaze followed them intently. Their interaction was effortless, as if they had been friends for years. Nathaniel's hand casually patted Azazel on the back, a gesture that spoke of their easy camaraderie. "You're coming to Clarissa's party on Saturday, right?" Nathaniel asked, his tone light but expectant.

Clarissa chimed in, her smile radiant. "Yeah, Azazel, it's going to be a blast. You should definitely come.But let me warn you, my parties are wild." She smirked.

Azazel raised an eyebrow, his gaze flickering between Nathaniel and Clarissa. "Wild, huh? I can take up wild."

Liora's chest tightened, her breath hitching as she absorbed Clarissa's challenge. The ease with which Azazel accepted the notion of a wild party stung, igniting a fierce jealousy within her.

Liora's heart twisted as she observed the scene. Nathaniel's eyes lingered on Clarissa with a subtle, almost tender look. The way he gazed at her wasn't just friendly; it was filled with an admiration that bordered on affection. Liora clenched her jaw, her fingers gripping her pen tightly.

Clarissa was everything Liora wasn't—beautiful, charming, and effortlessly stylish. Her auburn curls framed her face perfectly, and her outfit was always impeccably chosen. In contrast, Liora's own appearance felt plain and forgettable.

Is this the kind of girl Azazel likes? she wondered.

The thought gnawed at her, a sharp pang of insecurity. She felt like a shadow next to Clarissa's vibrant presence, like an afterthought in the grand narrative that seemed to revolve around her.

Nathaniel had a way of looking at Clarissa that conveyed more than mere friendship. His eyes softened when he looked at her, his smile widening just slightly. It was clear to Liora that he harbored feelings that went beyond casual friendship. The occasional lingering glances and the slight blush on his cheeks when he spoke to her were not lost on Liora.

Is this what Azazel finds appealing?

Liora's thoughts spiraled into dark places. She scrutinized Nathaniel's expressions, easily reading the affection he had for Clarissa. His eyes softened and his posture relaxed when he was near her, subtle signs of a deeper interest. Liora's envy seethed beneath the surface. The way Azazel interacted with Clarissa—allowing her to touch his arm, offering that rare smile—was something he reserved for few. It stung.

And that was enough to make Liora's blood boil.

Her thoughts twisted with jealousy and frustration. She imagined herself stepping into the scene, her presence eclipsing Clarissa's effortlessly. She envisioned conversations where Azazel's attention was solely on her, where Clarissa was merely a background character. The image was intoxicating, almost liberating. The upcoming party at Clarissa's house was the perfect opportunity—a chance to see Azazel outside the confines of school and, perhaps, to reclaim her fractured control.

The bell rang, jolting Liora from her spiraling thoughts. Students began to pack up their things, chattering about their plans for the weekend. Liora's mind was already consumed by the party. She imagined the scene at Clarissa's house—how the crowd would mingle, how she would blend in, and how she would get close to Azazel.

Liora's eyes followed Nathaniel and Clarissa as they made their way out of the classroom. Nathaniel's arm brushed against Clarissa's, and she laughed at something he said. The sight was a dagger to Liora's chest. She felt a pang of bitterness, knowing that this dynamic was one she could never easily penetrate. Nathaniel's natural charm and Clarissa's effortless grace made them an almost perfect pair—one that Liora couldn't help but envy.

As the classroom emptied, Liora lingered, her mind racing. She wasn't just going to attend the party; she was going to make sure that Azazel noticed her, that he saw her as someone to be reckoned with. She would need a plan, a way to stand out among the crowd and capture his attention. She needed to find a way to tilt the scales in her favor, to shift the focus from Clarissa and Nathaniel to herself.

In her mind, she played out various scenarios, each one more daring than the last. She imagined herself striking up conversations with Azazel, laughing with him, sharing moments that would make Clarissa's presence seem insignificant. The thought of turning the tables on her rival was both thrilling and daunting.

The party at Clarissa's was more than just an event—it was a battleground for Liora's obsession, a stage where she would confront her desires and unravel the tangled threads of her fixation. And as she gathered her belongings and prepared to leave, a dark determination settled over her.

This time, she thought, things will be different.

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