Good Luck!

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Liora sat cross-legged on her bed, her room dimly lit by a single lamp. The shadows stretched across her walls, casting long, dark shapes over the dozens of photos that dominated her space. Images of Azazel — caught mid-laugh, deep in thought, oblivious to her secret gazes. Her breath quickened as her eyes traced the lines of his jaw, the curve of his lips, the casual confidence in every frame. A storm raged in her chest, a tempest of emotion she couldn't name, though she knew it intimately.

Her heart raced as she stared at one particular photo, his face turned slightly to the side, his hand frozen in the middle of running through his hair. She had taken that picture from a distance, hidden in the shadow of a tree while he and Nathaniel had been talking, completely unaware of her presence. It was one of her favorites — the way the sunlight hit his skin, illuminating him like some kind of fallen angel. Every time she looked at it, she felt a deep, burning ache in her chest.

Azazel. His name echoed in her mind, heavy and intoxicating. He was more than just a crush now. He was an obsession, an all-consuming desire that dictated her every thought, every move. Liora no longer just wanted him. She needed him. The very idea of him had burrowed so deep into her mind that it was becoming harder to separate her fantasies from reality.

Liora's phone buzzed, pulling her away from her fantasies of Azazel. She glanced at the screen and saw Nathaniel's name light up. A part of her wanted to ignore it—Nathaniel wasn't the one who set her pulse racing, not the one whose scent still lingered in her mind after fleeting moments near him. But Nathaniel was necessary, a vital piece of the puzzle she was building.

She sighed, unlocking the phone.

Hey, Aurelia. How's it going?

Liora allowed a small smile to touch her lips, her fingers lightly grazing the edges of the phone. She crafted her response with the same precision she applied to every move she made with Nathaniel, the invisible threads of manipulation weaving tighter around him.

Hey, it's been a day. I've been thinking about some stuff. You?

She leaned back into her pillow, glancing briefly at the collage of photos covering her walls. Nathaniel's response came quickly, almost too eager.

Same. I've been thinking a lot too. Do you ever wonder why people just... act a certain way? Like, maybe there's always more going on with them?

His message was vague, but Liora could read between the lines. Nathaniel wasn't just asking about "people." He was talking about Azazel. It was clear from the way he admired his friend during their interactions, the subtle jealousy in Nathaniel's eyes whenever Azazel was surrounded by others. Liora had noticed it all—she noticed everything.

This was her opening.

Yeah, I think about it all the time. I mean, sometimes people put on a front. You never really know what someone's hiding beneath the surface.

She paused, biting her lip as her fingers hovered over the screen, deciding how much to push. Then she went for it.

Have you met someone recently like that?

The response took a little longer than usual. Liora smirked, knowing she'd hit a nerve.

Yeah, I have a friend like that. We are close but sometimes it feels like he's on a whole different level. Like he doesn't need anyone. You know?

Liora's eyes narrowed slightly. Nathaniel's insecurities were easy to pick apart. She'd play along for now, let him pour out his thoughts, all while steering the conversation in the direction she wanted. She wanted Nathaniel to give out every single piece of information he knew about Azazel.

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