Chapter 89

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Olivia's pov

The sun is already high in the sky when I wake up in the guest room, the light streaming in through the curtains. I stretch lazily, my body still stiff from the unfamiliar bed, but it doesn't bother me. I shrug to myself. I know Jenna made a point by making me sleep here, but honestly, I couldn't care less. This whole situation seems ridiculous. Jenna can't seriously still be mad over a car. I chuckle, shaking my head at the thought. She'll get over it.

I head downstairs, making my way outside into the backyard. As soon as I step out, I see her. Jenna is floating in the pool, her head resting against an inflatable floaty, sunglasses covering her eyes. She's soaking up the sun, her body half-submerged in the water, and I can tell from the way she's holding herself that she's still upset. I walk over to the edge of the pool, standing there silently for a moment before she finally acknowledges my presence, lifting her head slightly.

I can't help myself; I smirk and ask in a teasing tone, "Are you still mad?"

Jenna doesn't even bother to lift her sunglasses, her voice clipped as she replies, "Yes, Liv. Now go away."

I roll my eyes. "It's just a car."

She sighs, finally looking at me. "You just don't understand."

"What is there to understand, Jenna? It's literally a car," I say, throwing my hands up, frustrated.

Jenna sits up a little, her face hardening. "I know it's a car, Liv, but it's the way you drive with cars."

I laugh, shaking my head. "You're making it seem like I can't drive when we both know I can."

"That's not the point," Jenna snaps. "Just go away, Liv."

I stand there, staring at her for a moment, before the frustration builds up inside me. I can't believe this is still a conversation. "You seriously can't still be mad about a fucking car. That's really childish as hell, but you know what? I don't care. You can stay mad. I'm gonna keep doing whatever I want with that car whether you like it or not."

I turn on my heel and storm back inside, still fuming. This whole thing is so stupid. I head over to the key rack, my eyes immediately searching for my Challenger key—but it's not there. I stop, staring at the empty spot, confusion settling in. I'm sure I put it there last night.

I let out a frustrated sigh before marching back outside to where Jenna is still lounging on the floaty. "Jenna, give me my car key."

Jenna barely glances at me, her tone nonchalant. "What makes you think I have it?"

"Because I put it on the key rack last night, and now it's not there," I snap, crossing my arms.

Jenna shrugs, not even bothering to look up. "Sounds like a you problem then."

My blood starts to boil. "Give me my key, Jenna. Now."


I grit my teeth, standing there for a moment before I lose my patience completely. Without thinking, I reach down and flip the floaty she's lying on, sending her tumbling into the water with a splash. Jenna gasps as she goes under, resurfacing quickly, her eyes wide with shock and anger.

"Did you forget that I'm fucking pregnant?!" she yells, catching her breath. Water drips down her face, and I see the fury burning in her eyes.

I stand there, unmoved. "Where's my key, Jenna?"

"You literally flipped me over, and I could've hit my stomach on this concrete pool, Liv!" Jenna shouts, her voice rising with panic.

I pause, my anger softening slightly. "Okay, I'm sorry. Now give me my key."

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