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Guys please follow me so you can check out my notice board if i ever need a question answering from your guys's view like about wether to post a long or short chapter!!!
I'm just going to post it all but please let me know if you'd rather i shorten stuff and have multiple for next time :)


Taylor woke up with a light groan, the morning sunlight casting a light glow over her body.

She turned her head into her pillow to try avoid the bright light shining onto her face, moving her arm to cover her eyes when it came into contact with another body, Poppy.

The little girl was in a starfish position, spreading out on the bed, Taylor just realising her foot was digging into her stomach.

"Poppy," She mumbled, a slight croak to her voice as an effect of the early morning, "Poppy, shuffle over." Taylor pushed her daughter's foot away from her, trying to move her whole body onto one side of the bed at the same time whilst Poppy just slept through being moved around.

Taylor huffed, now wide awake, she swung her legs over the bed and slipped into some sliders before heading into the kitchen to make herself a coffee.

She pressed the button on the machine to start making her coffee and turned around to take a look out of the french doors at the sea when she noticed the doors were wide open, a light breeze coming through them, opening the curtains and wafting them lightly in the wind.

Taylor's brows furrowed as she walked closer to the open French doors. The cool breeze coming from outside felt refreshing, but she was certain she'd closed them last night. As she stepped through the doorway, she spotted a familiar figure standing on the deck just beyond the beach, his back to her.

Travis stood with his arms resting on the wooden railing, staring out at the ocean. The early morning sun cast a soft golden light over everything, and the waves crashed gently against the shore, creating a soothing backdrop. He looked lost in thought, his posture relaxed but contemplative.

Taylor hesitated for a moment, considering whether to leave him alone or join him. But something about the stillness of the morning, the peacefulness of the scene, drew her forward.

Quietly, she stepped onto the deck, the wooden boards creaking lightly under her feet. Travis turned his head slightly, acknowledging her presence with a glance but not saying anything. He shifted a bit, as if making space for her to join him.

She came up beside him, leaning her elbows on the railing and following his gaze out to the horizon. The silence between them was comfortable, filled with the natural rhythm of the waves and the occasional seagull call in the distance.

"You always were an early riser," Taylor murmured, breaking the quiet but keeping her voice soft, almost in tune with the peacefulness of the morning.

Travis smiled faintly, his eyes still on the ocean. "Old habits, I guess. Plus, it's hard to sleep in when you're sharing a wall with Poppy. She talks in her sleep, you know."

Taylor chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, I've noticed. She even sleepwalks sometimes. Woke up once to find her trying to climb into my closet."

He laughed softly at that, shaking his head. "She's got quite the imagination. I bet this place feels like a dream to her."

"It does," Taylor agreed, glancing back at the villa. "I mean, look at it. It's beautiful here. I just want her to have the best memories of us—together."

Travis was quiet for a moment, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah," he said finally, his voice low. "I want that too."

They fell silent again, but the air between them felt different now—heavier, filled with unsaid things. Taylor couldn't help but feel the weight of everything that had changed over the years, but also a strange sense of comfort standing next to him, like this was the most natural thing in the world.

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