Friend at first sight

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Midoriya woke up to his alarm. He sat up, turned it off, and let out a yawn. Midoriya didn't really look forward to school. It was his second year of middle school and he knew the moment he walked in, he'd have to deal with the constant bullying at school. The bullying didn't really impact his self-esteem much, at least that's what he tells himself. He would consider it more of a bother to deal with rather than hurtful.

He got up and got dressed in his uniform. As he got dressed, he could smell the food that his mom was making for him, miso soup. He went into the kitchen and grabbed the bowl of soup that his mom served for him. He sat down at the table and began to eat. His mother Inko, sat down across from him and ate her own bowl of soup.

"Ready for another day?" Inko asks Midoriya in a calm and comforting voice. She knew that her son didn't enjoy going to school that much. She knew about the bullying and how the school did not do much about it. Even the teachers seem to have something against quirkless people. She never had to experience the hardships of being one of the only few quirkless students in school, but just by seeing the look on Izuku's face everyday she can tell that he has to go through so much. As his mother she does the best she can to comfort him when needed.

"Yeah" Midoriya didn't care to answer his mom as he was stuffing his face with the soup she made while also texting on his phone.

"Izuku do you really need to be on your phone all the time? Don't you think it's a bit much?" she looked at him with concern and attempted to grab his phone from his hands.

Midoriya quickly moved his phone away from his mom's reach. Although unfortunately for him, Inko used her quirk to gravitate it towards her.

"I think you're a little addicted to this" Inko smiles as she looks at Izuku, holding his phone in her hands.

"Give it back!" Izuku tried to reach over the table for his phone.

"Not until you finish your soup. You don't need to be on your phone every second of the day" Inko crossed her arms, phone still in hand.

Midoriya reluctantly finished his soup. Once he was done, he reached his hand out so his mom could give him his phone back. Once he got his phone, he grabbed his backpack and left

Midoriya was walking to school the same way he does any other day. He had his backpack on and held his hero notebooks tight against his arms, looking down as he walked. He liked to arrive a little early so that way he can have little interaction with anyone in his class.

As he walks into class, only the teacher is in the classroom. Midoriya sat down and buried his head in his desk. He had his phone on his lap as he text through the "All Might's #1 Fans" discord server. Phones technically were not allowed in school, but Midoriya had a server to moderate. He wasn't going to let some rules stop him.

As the minutes went by, more students started walking in the classroom. Midoriya sits up and puts his phone away for the moment. Luckily nobody had picked on him as they walked in. Class went on smoothly, there was only light teasing from other students (mainly Bakugou) and a crumpled up paper thrown at him, but nothing too serious. Midoriya would casually glance at his phone throughout the whole day and despite sitting in the front of the classroom, the teacher never seemed to notice him on his phone.

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