Something Special

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It had been almost six months since the pair had started dating. As an anniversary gift for every month that passed, Midoriya would get his boyfriend Discord nitro. Nitro was something that was only added not too long ago but Midoriya really liked all its features. Although Aka always insisted that Midoriya did not need to buy him nitro, he still did it anyway. Midoriya was very careless with his money, technically his mother's money. Because of this, he'd tend to get grounded from his electronics for about a week anytime he'd make a ridiculous purchase on his mom's card without telling her.

Midoriya had only a week to think of the perfect gift to get Aka. He wanted to get him a special limited edition All Might figure, but there were a few major issues. The first problem was that Midoriya already owned this figure and his mom would question why he'd buy a second one. He couldn't tell her who it was for since he never told her about Aka in the first place. His mom would ground him forever if she found out that he was dating someone online. The second obstacle that Midoriya had to work through would be buying the figure without getting in trouble for spending a large amount of money. The first time he bought this figure, he spent 50,000 yen which made his mother very upset causing him to get grounded for a week. Luckily, Midoriya had a plan.

A couple of weeks prior, Midoriya had opened up his own cash app account and his card had came in that day. He had gone to the mailbox and grabbed the envelope that had his name on it. He snuck it back inside his house and opened it up in his room. Now that he had his card, he just needed to add some cash to it.

Midoriya had stolen some cash from his mom's room while she was gone and he planned on adding that to his card. Since it was the weekend, he had the entire day to himself. Usually, he would stay inside but today he had planned to go to an ATM. He put on a white T-shirt, some basketball shorts, and his red shoes. He put his card and cash into his pocket and was about to leave the house when he heard the sound of his mom's voice.

"Izuku sweetie, where are you going?" She was very shocked to see Izuku going out on the weekend since he would usually stay cooped up in his room the whole time

Izuku was a little startled by his mom asking him a question. He didn't want her to get suspicious of him so he had to think of an excuse quickly.

"I was just gonna check out that new ice cream place. I've heard it was really good and I wanted to try it"

Inko's face lit up, "Oh that sounds fun! You should bring me some while you're there. I haven't had some ice cream in a while"

Izuku was glad that his mom didn't question anything. The only thing was now he had to make a pit stop for ice cream which he didn't originally plan to do, but he also didn't mind.

He walked out of the house and was headed to the ice cream shop. There was most likely an ATM there so Midoriya didn't have to worry about traveling to several places. When he arrived at the shop, he was shocked by the long line that was forming. There was an ATM outside of the building so he went up to it first before going inside. He deposited the 60,000 yen that he brought with him. Once he had that done, it was time to reward himself with ice cream.

He walked in and looked at the menu while he waited. There were many different flavors, some of them he had never even heard of. He was grateful for the long line since now he had plenty of time to figure out what he was even going to get.

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