You seem so Familiar

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The first thing Bakugou did after getting into a relationship was to tell his mom. While his mom did not necessarily approve of the relationship due to it being online, she wasn't against it either. He wanted to wait sometime before telling his dad since he was unsure of how he would react.

Bakugou made sure to always text Mikumo good morning. He would make up extra early just to do so since he wasn't aware of what time Mikumo actually got up. He also made sure to text him good night although Bakugou doesn't think Mikumo ever slept.

Every day Bakugou would listen to Mikumo's ramblings, he was always chatting about his day or about All Might. He didn't mind when it seemed like Mikumo was the only one to talk in their conversations. It was really cute to Bakugou when Mikumo would get embarrassed after realizing he was the only one talking.

When Mikumo would tell Bakugou about the bullying, Bakugou made sure to always comfort him. He would feel a sense of guilt anytime he'd hear about the terrible things happening to his boyfriend at school. Even though Bakugou wasn't the one directly doing it to Mikumo, he'd be reminded of all the things he had done to Midoriya.

Midoriya was always on Bakugou's mind and he hated it. Thankfully due to his new relationship, his mind was a little more occupied, but Midoriya still took up a big portion of it. It was always switching back and forth in his mind.

Deku, Mikumo, Deku, Mikumo...

Mikumo was supposed to be his distraction, yet it seemed like he would think of Deku even more. The two were just so much alike, especially when they were younger. To Bakugou, Mikumo felt like what his relationship with Deku could have been if he were able to understand his feelings better and not take his anger and confusion out on Deku.

Because of their similarities, Bakugou felt as if he were repenting and making a redemption for himself by treating Mikumo the way he wished he treated Midoriya. Since it was too late for him to repair his relationship with Deku, he felt as if he was starting over with Mikumo.


It was 6:30 am when Bakugou had woken up from his alarm. The first thing he did when he started his day was open Discord and text Mikumo good morning. Once he did that, he would start his long self-care routine.

He began every morning with a cold shower. Due to his quirk, he always produced a large amount of sweat and although it didn't necessarily smell bad, it was still really gross. He made sure to exfoliate his skin and he always used a separate shampoo and conditioner. His biggest pet peeve, when it came to hygiene, was people who used 3 in one shampoo.

Once he was done with his shower, he got started on his skincare. He kept it a short and simple routine starting off by brushing his teeth. After brushing, he washes his face with an oil cleanser and then uses a gel cleanser. After double cleansing, he moved on to using his serums, one for hydrating skin and the other to help with eye bags. Finally, he finishes off by using his moisturizer and SPF.

By the time he's done with that, it is 7 am. He walked out of the bathroom and got dressed in his uniform. Once he had his uniform on, he went back into the bathroom and fixed his hair. He didn't like to use products in his hair so he always just brushed it upward and ruffled it around in order to get his usual spiky look. It was usually around this time when Mikumo would text him back.

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