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JANUARY 20th 2020

10:00 pm

Simoné, Mariah, Semaj, Quan, Jay and multiple others sat in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for any type of update on Kazir.

Everyone's mind was racing 1000 miles per hours but even a blind person could see that Simoné was going through it terribly, she sat next to Semaj with her head on his shoulder as he had his arm wrapped around her rubbing her back gently.

Simoné ended up having a panic attack which lead her co-workers to immediately call her brother since he was the only one on her emergency list.

He wasted no time coming for his little sister but he reasoning put him in utter shock, he's never seen his sister react this way since their grandparents passed away. Even when their parents passed away, yes she was very young but she was aware of what was going on.

He didn't even know his baby sister was seeing anyone or even talking to anybody which surprised him because she told him everything but he didn't think about it too much, he was more so worried about her well being.

Rich paced back and forth feeling his mind go blank, his right hand man was now in a hospital bed fighting for his life due to some shit he had no involvement with and rich couldn't do anything but beat himself up about it.

Quan just sat silently holding Kazir's mother in his arms as Jay tried to comfort her. Quan and Jay couldn't believe the situation that their cousin and uncle was in. Jay was panicking to the fullest because he didn't know what he would do if his uncle didn't pull out, he always looked up to him since he was a little kid and was trying not to lose his mind while Quan just tried to process everything trying to figure out how the hell it happened.

Mariah stood to her feet walking over to Rich after kissing Simoné's forehead making sure she was good, before grabbing Rich's hands into her making him stop pacing and pulled him into a tight hug as he began to break down. Her heart was heavy for everyone at the moment and even herself because even if her and Kazir weren't as close with each other they still never failed to crack jokes on each other whenever they were around each other.

"Family of Kazir Marshall?" Nearly everyone stood up but Simoné didn't miss a beat to ask the most dreading question that everyone wanted an answer too.

"Is he okay?" It was silent before the doctor, Jacob spoke up looking at his clipboard before looking at them all.

"He's actually doing great, he pulled through surgery in a breeze and we were able to remove 4 of the bullets. He's gonna have to go under another surgery some time soon to get to last one out but as of right now he's asleep under medication." And that right there was a breath of fresh air.

Everyone let out a breath that didn't know they were holding in before Tonya, Kazir's mother spoke up.

"Well can we see him?" She asked him making him nod.

"Yes, room 224 only 3 people are allowed to go." He spoke making them thank him before he walked away and Simoné silently thanked god as tears ran down her face.

Quan, Jay and Tonya all decided to go first as Rich, Mariah, Simoné and Semaj all sat in the waiting room chairs.

"You good Moni?" Semaj asked looking at his sister as she just nodded playing with his fingers, something she tended to do when she was nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17 ⏰

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