1 ~ First meeting

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"Y/N, breakfast is ready!"

I roused up from my sleep groaning softly, the sound of bed sheets rustling with every movement. Slowly my eyes opened, welcoming the rays of the sun passing through my curtains. I sighed, eventually getting up from my bed with a yawn, stretching the limbs of my body including my tail before fixing my bed.

I made my way to the dining room, sitting down on a chair as the smell of morning dew breakfast passed through my nostrils, my mouth watering and my stomach grumbling.

"Good morning, how are you feeling today?" My voice was a bit husky and groggy as I asked, watching Feixiao speed run her meal. Remembering last night, I saw her clutching onto her chest, which apparently was happening more often than before. I have heard the news that my sister swallowed the Crimson Moon from that wretched Borisin Hoolay. I couldn't be mad at her decision, it was to keep everyone safe... even if the chances are of losing her sanity.

Feixiao looked at me, some bits of rice on her cheek. She swallowed the food down her throat before speaking. "Good morning and I feel fine, why do you ask?" She smiled warmly, wiping off the rice on her cheek.

I took a moment to reply, "Nothing..." I picked up my bowl and chopsticks, placing food in it. I can tell she already knows what's on my mind from that look she's giving me. So I shrugged it off and began to shove food inside my mouth, staying silent with the only prominent sound being the bowl and chopsticks hitting against each other.

For a few more seconds of silence, Feixiao broke it with a sigh. "Y/N, I know you're worried about me after the incident with Hoolay. I can assure you I'm fine, I can control the Crimson Moon." Feixiao reassured me with a chuckle, putting her now empty bowl down on the dining table. "But... there is something."

Out of curiosity I raised my head up, putting my bowl down slightly, swallowing my food. "That would be?..." I tilted my head, my Foxian ears perked up.

Feixiao crossed her arms, then sighed heavily. "It's my healer, Jiaoqiu. I'm well aware you know him already, or by any chance have seen him around Yaoqing." Feixiao paused, watching my reaction.

The name was familiar to me, considering I've seen him once or twice, especially him trying to heal my sister's moon rage, but apart from that we never really spoke a word to each other before, just a few stories my sister shares. "What about him?" I asked, taking a glass of water and drinking from it.

Feixiao smirked, her eyes glistening with... something. "Unfortunately... he drank a tumbleweed poison when he was held captive by Hoolay, resulting him losing his eyesight. Right now he's under Moze's care and protection, but he too has a few things to do for me, soo..." She paused... a long pause, her gaze shifted into a determined look. "I'd like you to be Jiaoqiu's guide, just until I find a healer who can restore his sight." She smirked at me, which made me almost spit my water.


I blinked a couple of times, putting the glass down the dining table. To be by her healer's side as a guide... It's not really a bad thing, but I don't have much experience with people who lost their vision. Perhaps I can reconsider this for once.

I softly chuckled, "What choice do I even have, sister?" I sighed, shaking my head slowly. I noticed her stifle a chuckle, then stood up to collect the plates and bowls we used, "Exactly."


Eventually we got to the Yaoqing M
military base, the main place was so grand. Different types of species were there managing holograms and discussing the current status of Yaoqing. There I saw from a distance, a guy that had hues of purple in their clothing, and he seemed to be accompanying a Foxian with pink hair, although he wasn't really facing us. That must be Jiaoqiu and Moze.

"I'm glad both of you are here." Feixiao greeted them, placing a hand on her hip.

Moze crossed his arms, his face stern and cold. "General..." His gaze was now shifted to me. "I see you brought your sister." His gaze was cold, colder than the temperature of this place...

Feixiao hummed, then looked at Jiaoqiu then went back to Moze. "Well... I brought Y/N here so she can be Jiaoqiu's guide." She explained, which made Jiaoqiu's ears perk and twitch, his body facing a different direction other than us, his eyes closed shut.

"General, I am grateful and honored that your sister is willing to help me... but I don't want to be a burden to any of her tasks." Jiaoqiu spoke softly in tone, using his fan slowly.

"Don't worry Jiaoqiu, I requested Y/N to be your guide, so that's basically her task and the only task." Feixiao smiled at Jiaoqiu, walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, turning his body gently to face us. "I assure you, she's going to be an amazing guide. I just need Moze to run a few errands for the time being, of course he'd still be by your side."

I can see Jiaoqiu's tail wagging slowly, just enough to brush the marbled floor. I could feel myself being nervous, I don't know much about Jiaoqiu, we don't have any interactions too, maybe this time I can explore him and be his eyes for the world around us.

My tail started to wag too, only a few side sweeps across the floor.

This won't be an easy task, who knows who this man could practically be?

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