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Peter stood behind the counter, organizing supplies and preparing for the day. The door opened promptly at 8 a.m., and Harley Quinn burst in, her usual infectious energy in full swing.

"Morning, boss!" she called out, giving Peter a salute.

Peter smiled and handed her a neatly folded set of clothes. "Morning, Harley. Here's your uniform. You can change in the back."

Harley took the clothes and examined them with a smirk. "A skirt and a black top, huh? Not my usual style, but I can work with it." She gave him a wink and disappeared into the back room.

A few minutes later, Harley emerged, looking surprisingly professional in her new attire. The red and black skirt reached her knees, with black shorts peeking out underneath, and the black top contrasted with her usual bold colors.

"How do I look?" she asked, twirling around.

Peter nodded approvingly. "You look great. Now, let's get you started. First, I'll show you how to make our most popular coffee drinks."

Harley followed Peter behind the counter, paying close attention as he demonstrated how to use the espresso machine and make a variety of drinks. She nodded along, her focus unwavering.

"I think I got it," she said confidently. "Let me give it a whirl."

Peter stepped back as Harley took over, expertly grinding the beans and pulling a perfect shot of espresso. She added milk and flavorings with surprising finesse, creating a latte with a flourish.

"Ta-da!" she exclaimed, handing the drink to Peter.

Peter took a sip and nodded, impressed. "Not bad, Harley. Not bad at all."

As the morning rush began, Harley threw herself into the job with gusto. She greeted customers with her usual exuberance, her infectious energy putting smiles on their faces. Some regulars were taken aback by her transformation, but they quickly warmed up to her cheerful personality.

"Hey there, sugar! What can I get ya?" she asked one customer, who ordered a cappuccino.

"Comin' right up!" Harley said, expertly crafting the drink and handing it over with a wink.

However, as the day wore on, Harley's natural chaos started to peek through. She accidentally knocked over a stack of cups, spilling coffee beans everywhere.

"Oops! My bad," she said, quickly grabbing a broom and sweeping up the mess.

Peter watched her with a mix of amusement and mild exasperation. "Just try to be a bit more careful, okay?"

"Got it, boss!" Harley replied, not missing a beat.

Despite a few minor mishaps, Harley's enthusiasm and charm won over both customers and staff. By the end of her shift, she was chatting animatedly with the regulars, making everyone laugh with her stories.

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