At first sight

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All I remember before the golden light wrapped us together in a close embrace was staring into Asami's glassy green eyes. Those beautiful eyes. They could see through any shield I ever tried to put up. She always saw what I was really feeling. And in this moment, our feelings of love were stronger than ever.

As a baby blue sky cracked through our waves of yellow, a shimmering tear fell on to Asami's smile. Raising a soft finger, she wiped it from her eyes. I placed a kiss on her forehead and turned, facing our next couple weeks together.

Captivated by the view, I mumbled"It's so much more beautiful than last time it's-"

"Full of life!" Asami exclaimed. She dashed out into an open field, dotted with flowers and small, bunny like spirits. Rushing to catch up with her, I snagged my foot on a twig, tumbling head over heels. Asami giggled as I hit the pillowy grass. God, I wanted to hear that laugh for the rest of my life. 

She came over to me and lay down, resting her head on my chest. Her soft onyx hair smelled of jasmine. We stared at the sky together for what seemed like forever. Without the sun beating down on us it was much more enjoyable. 

Her head rose and fell with every breath of mine. I craned my neck to get a look at her face. She was fast asleep. A goofy grin spread across my face. Slowly, but gently, I eased her head onto the grass. I sprinted to the nearest source of water and began bending a large amount into a large floating pool. Furtively,  crept back over to where she  slept, the mass of water following me.

"Rise and shine Samisams!" I laughed, unleashing a small drizzle upon Asami. Her juniper eyes shot open, and her peaceful expression quickly changed to a scowl. 

"AVATAR KORRA I WILL GET YOU!" she shouted as she shot up, shooting after me. Snorting and giggling, she tackled me, playfully wrestling me to the ground. She stopped midway, but her smile still remained. Water dripped from her curly locks upon my face. Gently, she placed her lips on mine.

Our first kiss. Fireworks went off in my head. I wish this vacation would last forever.

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