Episode 1: Journey to the Decade I: World Destroyer

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In an alternate world known as the World of Rider War, Masked Rider Amazon is flying through the sky searching for someone.

MR Amazon: No sight of him, but I'll keep searching. He's got to be here somewhere.

On the ground, Strongman and Kabuto-Ohger are searching for their enemy.

Strongman: Nothing on the ground.

Kabuto-Ohger: Don't be fooled, he always like to play with his prey.

MR Amazon: Hold on, I got something.

As Amazon sees that he's being followed by someone as he tries to fly away as fast as he can, a beam of light gets closer to him as he was taken down in the air.

Strongman: Amazon!

So now Masked Rider Amazon fell to the down as he was destroyed and turn into a Rider Card as the mysterious enemy picks it up.

Kabuto-Ohger: Oh no, he's here.

???: Clock Up Card, activate!

So now the mysterious person began to attack Strongman and Kabuto-Ohger with super speed.

Kabuto-Ohger: Two can play that game. Clock Up!

So now Kabuto-Ohger activate speeding abilities to face against the mysterious enemy.

???: Invisible Card, activate!

As Kabuto-Ohger was about takedown the mysterious enemy, he turn himself invisible to avoid his attack as he perform his finisher move to destroy both Strongman and Kabuto-Ohger. As the smoke clears, the mysterious enemy picks up Strongman and Kabuto-Ohger's Rider Cards from ground as he reveal himself as Decade, the World Destroyer.

Decade: Three down, a few more to go. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Theme song for MKTV's Power Rider (Go-Getter by Mori Calliope).

On Earth-2510, a girl named Blake Dillon wakes up from a strange dream as her uncle, Gunter Dillon, calls out her name.

Uncle Gunter: Harriet! Harriet! Wake up, dear. Those tables aren't going to clear themselves you know.

Blake: "yawning" Okay, Uncle Gunter. I'm up.

Blake starts cleaning the tables around the Dillon Cafe as she looks at the news.

News Reporter: I'm here today with teenage photographer, Harrison Jones, where he is presenting his latest work. Mr Jones, what do you call this?

Harrison: I call this, Shattered Dimensions. I know it may look like a mess with it looking unclear, but we know the world we're living in is also unclear too. People made fun of me on the way I take pictures, I believe people don't see the vision in life.

Blake turns off the TV in anonymous.

Blake: He's the one who doesn't have vision.

Uncle Gunter: Oh, was that Harrison on TV? I see his work has been notice across town, I like the details happening in that photograph.

Blake: Tck. He's not that great.

Uncle Gunter: Blake, what has gone into you? You and Harrison used to be a great couple together, I still don't understand why you two broke up?

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