The shapeshifter

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A scratching sound could be heard at the front door. While young Fia's mother was busy cooking for dinner in the kitchen, and her father upstairs finishing off some work, Fia was left to go see what was making the odd sound. She let her mother know before unlocking the door and what she found shocked and hurt her deeply.

On the dusty doormat, barely conscious, was a small black kitten. There was a deep wound on its side and its claws were a little out. That's what was making the scratching sound, she thought to herself. She bent down slowly to not frighten the injured kitten, and spoke softly, "Are you awake, little kitty?" She heard a very faint 'mew' which she assumed was from the kitten. She felt heartbroken, who would hurt a baby kitten in such an awful way?

There was silence for a moment, then she said, softly, "I bet Mum would know how to help, she's a vet, you see. Come on," Fia then tried to pick up the kitten as carefully as possible so that she didn't agonise it in any way. She brought it inside to her mum who worked on the kitten as soon as she saw the state of it. Fia asked to keep the kitten, at least until it was better, and her mum agreed. They had no idea, however, what they had really just brought into their home.


Xander is a shapeshifter. In a world of humans and supernatural creatures, some humans are supernatural hunters, murdering those who have any form of magical abilities. These hunters exterminate them all, regardless of how most supernatural creatures are actually very peaceful beings, more so than these humans are.

A witch had led him through a forest trail that led to the city, telling him to take the form of an adoptable animal if he wanted any chances of survival. In a world of supernatural hunters, the supernatural stick together, regardless of their annoyances for each other. Once again, more humane than these hunters could ever be.

He found himself battered and bruised when reaching the city. "He's right there! Get him!" yelled a voice not too far behind. To think he has powers stronger than them, he could quite easily turn into a larger predator and eat them, but he refuses to let himself become a murderer, he refuses to become like them.

He had somehow managed to lose them but had no idea where to go. He was starving, bleeding, on the verge of collapsing. He wandered for a while, maybe minutes, maybe hours, until he finally gave up and laid to rest on the doormat of a small house. What were the chances of someone coming out to help him? Would anyone even want a lame kitten? He extracted his claws and with the remaining energy he had, he began scratching the door. Will anyone hear his almost silent cry for help?

A young girl finally opened the door. She saw Xander but only as a wounded kitten and asked him if he was awake, to which he could only whisper a small 'mew'. He felt like he was blacking out. He thinks she said something else after though he's unsure. She took him inside, though by that time, he drifted off to unconsciousness.


It's been 5 months since Xander was taken in by Fia's family. Fia did everything she could to help him recover: she made sure he was fed some cat food and occasionally some meat, she made sure he had a comfy bed that was nicely warmed by the fireplace at night, and she even helped to tend his wounds regularly with her mum.

Xander was pleased by the full bowls of free food and drink as well as the comfy bed. He recovered fully a month ago but something stopped him from leaving. The kindness of this mere human was enough to make his grown heart melt. He didn't, no, he couldn't leave after she gave so much attention to him, helping him to recover. Besides, it was nice to finally have a home and a family after being chased for so long. He may tell her, when she grows up, who and what he really is, but for now, he's content with being Fia's 'Kitty'.

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