The vampire landlord

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Penny is a 3rd year music student at Evergreen University. She loves her classes, being able to play different instruments as well as using various launchpads to make her own melodies. She lives in an apartment that she was able to rent at a decent price. Her landlord, Jacob Favis, is a kind, generous man and everyone in the apartment adored him. Likely due to his reputation in business, however, there was also the rumour that he is a vampire. It would explain how there are many more females in the building. Of course, that could also be due to the man's drop-dead amazing looks...

One morning, Penny comes home from classes, ready to begin her new music project. Getting her laptop out she remembers the book a friend of hers recommended. Excitedly clicking for Amazon, she searches for the book and buys it to be sent for delivery. However, when she does, a message reads that her account has no money. Odd... she thought, as she opened up her bank account. Sure enough, the numbers read £0.00. What... this must be a joke! She thinks for a moment, then checks her savings account. £0.00... why...?

A knock on the door brings her out of her trance. Who could that be? She wasn't expecting any visitors... and she wasn't in the mood for any either. She goes to open her door, only to see her landlord, Jacob. Oh crap, today's rent day... she masks her worries and smiles. "Hi sir, how are you doing?"

Jacob chuckles and replies, "Penelope Lanyon, what did we say about just calling me Jacob?"
Penny giggles and points out, "And yet you still call me Penelope,"
"I hope you're not trying to get out of paying rent, Penny," Jacob says, lifting his right eyebrow.
"Oh, not exactly," Penny sighs, "I'm not entirely sure but I think someone has hacked my bank account and has taken my savings as well."

Jacob tilts his head, deep in thought, before saying "Can I have a look?"
Penny lets him in to see her account still open on her laptop.
"You're signed up with one of the most unreliable and unsecured banks," Jacob states blankly.
"It was the cheapest to work with," Penny argues.
"Maybe, but it's cost you, hasn't it?" Jacob turns to face her.
"I'll increase my hours at my job, then pay you back next month for 2 months," Penny says. I'll have to... I can't disappoint him like this...
"No, I don't want you working more than you already get exhausted from," Jacob shakes his head. Oh... This is why everyone loves him; he cares so much for others.

He thinks for a moment, then makes a preposition, "You could pay another way if you like... you could pay in blood."
Did he just say...? "I-I'm sorry, I think-" Penny began to say but was cut off.
"You heard me correctly, I'm sure you're aware of the rumours," Jacob says.

There were indeed rumours about him being a vampire, but while Penny has always been fascinated by the supernatural, she has never believed them to be real. At least, not until today. She snaps out of thought as Jacob says, "I'd let you have a moment to think about it but I do need to take payment of some form now."

Blood... he wants my blood... wouldn't that change me?

"No, it won't change you if that's what you're thinking. There's a certain way for that to happen," He answers her question, smirking, "of course, I can change you if you want,"

Penny could feel herself heating up. I must be as bright as a tomato, she thinks. If I only need to pay in blood, how bad could it be? She decides to agree to the proposition. "Ok, no changing me and I'll take up the offer."
"Lovely," Jacob replies, smiling and comes in close.

Wait... now?! Penny begins to panic a little. Jacob takes both her wrists and whispers in her ear, "Do hold still, Penelope. Otherwise, it is going to hurt, and we don't want that, do we?"
Penny shivers at Jacob's touch. I must be so much redder than before, she thinks to herself. She feels his fangs gently graze her skin. Oh, it's happening... She shuts her eyes as she feels the fangs slip through her skin, through her flesh, and into her bloodstream. She lets out a sigh without realising, causing Jacob to smile, though she doesn't notice it. This might just work out fine, she thinks as she loses herself to the feeling of pure bliss.

~~Time skip~~

It's been 7 years since that day. Penny has completed her degree and has kept her apartment room ever since. Her career in music goes off without a hitch. She was able to make the bank give her the money she lost, with Jacob's help of course, though she never found out how he convinced them. And with him being a vampire, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know.

Actually, thinking of Jacob, wasn't he supposed to be visiting by now? Penny thinks to herself, as she brings out a freshly baked marble cake from the oven. "Your thoughts ring louder than your voice," said a voice behind her. That could only belong to...
"Jacob!" Penny exclaimed. She places the cake on the counter before turning to hug him... let's just say they've gotten close.

"My, my, missed me that much?" Jacob says the hint of teasing in his voice, making Penny's heart flutter.
"You're just in time, dinner's ready and the cake's just come out of the oven," Penny tells him. "I just need to add the glaze and it'll be ready."
"Lovely, I'll get the plates and utensils ready," Jacob tells her before retreating to do just that and before she could stop him.
Oh, he's so helpful, she thinks happily to herself as she completes the cake.

What she didn't know was that while she was finishing the cake, Jacob had other ideas. He had brought over a fancy tablecloth from the 1800's to set the table with. After setting the plates and utensils, he also lit a lavender-scented candle to be placed in the centre in a golden candleholder engraved with the words 'Amor est quasi sol, pulchra et lucida' [1]. He scattered fresh rose petals over the tablecloth and around the table and chairs.

He steps back to admire his efforts before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. Inside was a silver ring dotted with diamonds. On the inside were the words 'Candida lamia regina' [2]. He hopes Penny will like the ring and will accept his 'request'.

He hears Penny come out of the kitchen behind him. He turns to face her, the look he sees displayed on her face is priceless, and it makes him grin. "Like it?" he asks her.
Penny struggles to compose herself, "I- what is this, Jacob?"
Jacob simply pulls out a chair for Penny, "After you," he replies.

The dinner was some lasagne and mashed potato along with some veg and gravy. The cake came after, vanilla and chocolate marble with a white chocolate glaze to coat the cake. Freshly ripened raspberries dotted the top of the cake with blackberries and blueberries surrounding the base. "Splendidly sweet," Jacob had described the cake, which led to a brightly blushing Penny.

"You still haven't explained yourself, you know," Penny mentions to Jacob, licking off the glaze that had dripped down her fingers.
"Explained myself about what?" Jacob asks, teasingly.
"You know exactly what I mean,"
Jacob sighs and gets up from his chair to move around to Penny. He replies, "I'm not going to beat around the bush, ok? I like you. I like you a lot. Hell, I'm crazy for you. And I'm almost certain you like me too-"
"Wait, almost?" Penny cuts in and asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, yeah. I don't know if you probably already have someone in mind but, well, I guess if I wait any longer then I may not get to tell you this," He rests on his knee and pulls out the box containing the ring, "I want you to myself, Penelope Lanyon. I'm in love with you and I would like to marry you."
Penny blushes at his declaration, then smirks "So this is how you ask to change me, huh?" causing Jacob to chuckle.
"Soo, would that be a yes, amor meus?" [3]
"Penelope Favis, it sounds lovely. I accept." Penny replies, followed by a yelp then giggles as Jacob picks her up and spins around in joy.
Jacob then puts her down and takes her hand to add the ring. "It suits you perfectly, amor meus," he tells her.
"Amor meus, you suit me too." Penny replies, "So, about the changing-"
"Tonight," was the reply.

With the moonlight shining into the room, illuminating the area with its calm, cool glow, the couple shared their first kiss of many more to come. To spend centuries together, not growing by even a single day, they look forward to all the activities they would be able to do together until the end of forever.


The Latin translations are as follows:
[1] 'Amor est quasi sol, pulchra et lucida'= Love is like the sun, beautiful and bright.
[2] 'Candida lamia regina'= Dazzling vampire queen.
[3] 'amor meus' = my love

Of course, I found these on Google Translate so if anyone knows that they aren't accurate and knows the correct translation then please let me know and I'll update the Latin.

Hope you enjoyed my beauties!

Lady Rose~ 🌹

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