'I'm not a psycho!'

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Qianna stood at the entrance of Evergreen Psychiatric Hospital; her small duffel bag clutched tightly in her hand. The morning sun cast long shadows across the manicured lawn, hiding the scars from the previous night's chaos. Dr. Grace, her silver hair neatly pinned back, placed a gentle hand on Qianna's shoulder.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Grace asked, her voice soft but firm.
Qianna nodded, her eyes scanning the treeline beyond the hospital grounds. "I still can't believe it happened," she whispered.
Dr. Grace sighed, the events of the early morning weighing heavily on her. "None of us could have predicted this, Qianna. But you were right all along."

For years, Qianna had insisted that a werewolf had killed her parents. Her claims had led her to this very institution, where she'd spent countless hours trying to convince Dr. Grace and others of the truth. Now, as they stood amidst the aftermath of the werewolf's attack on the hospital, the reality was undeniable.

"I'm sorry we didn't believe you sooner," Dr. Grace said, her voice tinged with regret.
Qianna turned to face her doctor, her eyes brimming with a mix of amusement and sorrow. "It's not your fault. Who would have believed me? I barely believed it myself some days."

As they walked towards the parking lot, Qianna recalled the terrifying moments when the werewolf had burst through the hospital windows. The creature's eyes had locked onto hers, a flash of recognition passing between them. It was the same beast that had torn her world apart years ago.

"What will you do now?" Dr. Grace asked as they reached her car.
Qianna took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. "I'm going to find it. And this time, I'll be ready."
Dr. Grace nodded, understanding the determination in her former patient's voice. "Just remember, Qianna, you're not alone anymore. We believe you now."

As Qianna climbed into the car, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders. For years, she'd been labelled as delusional, crazy, a "psycho." But now, as she left the hospital behind, she knew the truth. She wasn't crazy – she was a survivor, and now, a hunter.

"I'm not a psycho... I never was... I will find you... even if it's the last thing I do..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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