Don't mess with an agent

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Diane was walking home from a busy day at the Nocturna Safeguarding Agency. She's just had to track down 2 ridiculously annoying suspects for the recent crime that occurred a couple of days ago. It wasn't that they were difficult to catch, oh no, they were so very foolish enough to land right into her trap that she caught them easily. It was that they wouldn't stop yammering on and on about anything other than the crime when it came to making them talk.

But now that that's all over, she got out of work a little early thanks to her generous boss. She's certain she may have captured him into her trap too, and it makes her laugh, but she's a single woman with no interest whatsoever in falling in love.

The evening sun casts its warm glow, and everything seemed to be normal, peaceful even, until she noticed out of the corner of her eye, that someone was trailing her. Oh, someone wants to play 'follow the secret agent', huh? Two can play at that game! She pretends not to notice all the way home. Unlocking the door without any hurry, she casually walks in and closes it behind her. Rule no. 12: If anyone seems to be following you, act naturally. That's what her boss said, though she added her own little twist to it: then play them at their own game!

She went to the living room and sat on the sofa facing the window, pulling a book off the shelf next to her. Rule no. 18: If followed home, play 'discreet eagle'. In other words, always have something ready to look as if you're paying no attention to the follower but in reality, always have an eye on them for anything suspicious.

It may have been a few minutes or half an hour before the mysterious person finally walked away. Time to turn the tables! She hastened to put on her extra set of gear before following the man who had turned away. Hiding behind trees and bushes and slipping into the shadows created by the low-laying sun, she soon followed him to what seemed to be an abandoned mansion. Taser gun in hand, she discreetly moves towards the front door. After hearing nothing directly on the other side, she turns the handle and enters the building.

It seemed completely empty. The man she had followed was nowhere to be found. How can this be? She stepped silently through the corridor. There seemed to be some kind of meeting a bit further down. She followed the sounds and soon came to a large wooded door engraved with faded golden swirls. This must've been a beautiful house once, she thought to herself. Pressing her ear against the door, she heard bits of the conversations that were going on behind it. Something about a mass murder spree with the main targets as the supernatural creatures that apparently lurk in our city.

That's it! She thought, they must've been the ones behind the recent murders that all involved a supernatural victim! Teeth clenched, she thought to herself how easily she could take them all out. She was a supernatural herself after all: a werewolf, one that had somehow gained full control of her condition, allowing her to transform whenever she wanted (though the full moon transformation can't really be prevented). Too bad her boss is against a blood bath, though he never said she couldn't take them on herself simply with brute force!


News reporter: A gang of criminals, set on exterminating the supernatural beings of our city, have finally been captured by none other than top secret agent no. 1. The woman's as feisty as ever, leaving them breathless and bruised as a warning to any other hunters of our mystical peers. She's a real diamond, one of a kind...

"I can't believe you sometimes, Diane." Her boss says over the sound of the radio.
"They were asking for it," she said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders as if to prove her point.
"You know very well that you were supposed to call for backup to round them up, not beat them to a pulp." He responded.
"Hey, the other option was to feast, but my poor old boss has a weak tummy so I did the next thing that came to mind," Diane stated, smirking at her own joke.
"I DO NOT HAVE A-" He started, but Diane was already at the door.
She flipped her hair, looked towards him and blew a kiss before leaving, yelling out "LOVE YA TOO BOSS!"

After a moment of shock, her boss turned to sit down at his desk, grumbling, "That woman will be the end of me..."
As if she had heard him, he heard her call out, "AND YA LOVE IT!!"

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