Will yu marry me (pt.4)

65 2 23

Ddot's POV

*phone convo*

DD- yooo mh

Ddot- wsp bro

DD- nun just on da block wsg wit yu

Ddot- we just landed we on our way back home. Everything ready for the meet and greet.

DD- all set

Ddot- ard I'll see yall Saturday

DD- heard yu, safety

Ddot- safety.

I was so nervous and it wasn't even time for me to ask Neveah to marry me. I wanted her to know how much I love her and that all of this was meant for her. She deserves everything in the world and ima be the one to give it to her.

Neveah's POV

I heard Ddot otp and it woke me up a little

Neveah- Baby who was that

Ddot- oh my fault ma it was DD

Neveah- oh ok. Are we almost home

Ddot- yeah we like an hour away

Neveah- ok yu can pull over

Ddot- why

Neveah- because you're tired so ima drive the rest of the way.

Ddot- it's fine ma

Neveah- I don't mind bae just pull over

Ddot- ard

He pulled into a gas station and we switched sides. This boy was out as soon as he got in the passenger side

Neveah- and this is why I pay attention to yu

I started the car and started driving the rest of the way home.

Time skip


Today was the big day. Ddot is gonna as the love of his life to marry him. He got his hair dne, picked out a nice outfit, got the ring from his homeboys (wait till he hears the story bout that), checked on the venue, everything was perfect. He went back home to make sure Neveah was ready and she was and she looked beautiful.

Ddot's POV

Ddot- hey ma yu ready-

Neveah- yeah I'm ready. Yu like my outfit

She had on a pair of bell bottom jeans, a white crop top, a pair of black and white Jordan fives (retros), and rose gold jewelry

Ddot- whoa

Neveah- what. What's wrong

Ddot- yu look beautiful

Neveah- well don't scare me like that I thought sumn was wrong

Ddot- my fault I'm just... at a lost for words

Neveah- well find your words so we can go.

Ddot- ard

Neveah's POV

So we were driving to the venue and it was a lot of ppl. Like A LOT.

Neveah- wow I wasn't expecting there to be so many ppl

Ddot- don't worry ma you'll be fine.

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