Mini me🥹❤️

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Neveah's POV

I was in bed all day bc I was not feeling good at all. I was throwing up, my head was hurting, and my stomach I just felt horrible. I thought I was on my period but this type of pain was sumn I never felt before. I called my bsf Jaliyah so she can come take care of me till Ddot got home.

*Phone convo*

Jaliyah- hey mamas

Neveah- Hey

Jaliyah- what's wrong

Neveah- I don't feel good like at all. I'm throwing up and both my stomach and head hurt

Jaliyah- did yu go out last night. Maybe it's a hangover

Neveah- no this is way worse than that. Can yu please come over

Jaliyah- ok ima go to the store rq

Neveah- ok. And hurry please

Jaliyah- I'm putting my shoes on now. Just hang in there ok.

Neveah- I'll try

Jaliyah- rd I love yu im on my way

Neveah- love yu too

10mins later Jaliyah came to the house but I was in the bathroom throwing up so she used the spare key to get in

Jaliyah- oh baby let it out

Neveah- ughhh

Jaliyah- ok look ik this might sound crazy but I got some medicine but I also got a pregnancy test

Neveah- put that shit away. I'm not playin wit yu put that shit away

Jaliyah- listen if you're so confident pee on the stick and wait

Neveah- no

Jaliyah- think abt it why else would yu feel like this

Neveah- fine

I took the test and waited... and waited..

Neveah- is it ready?

Jaliyah- yep

Neveah- go check it please

Jaliyah- ok

She went in the bathroom and read the test and came back

Neveah- what does it say

Jaliyah- I'm a auntie

She handed me the test and it said positive.

Neveah- omg no way

Jaliyah- congratulations boo

I just sat their silent with tears running down my cheeks

Jaliyah- what's wrong aren't yu happy

Neveah- I mean yeah but-

Jaliyah- But???

Neveah- I'm scared

Jaliyah- don't worry I'll be here and so will Darrian

Neveah- but what if he gets mad or leaves or-

Jaliyah- shh shh shh come here. It'll be ok.

Neveah- I can't tell him

Jaliyah- yu have to. This is a big thing for the both of yu

Neveah- you're right

She gave me a tight hug. Then my phone rang it was Ddot...


Oooooo. Hey bestie! Wyd? Oooo yall it's gettin juicy and scary at the same time. Yall liking the cliffhangers? Ik yall prolly at the edge of yo chair or bed rn. Yes I'll be makin more parts so dw bout that. And yall did yall read my new DD chapter?? Girl. Yu betta tap in hunni. Also hello to the new besties that have been tuning in and reading my stories I hope yall are enjoying them and thank yu for reading. I'm bout to take a fatass nap and call my man. I'll talk to yall in the comments. Love yu byeeee💜

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